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我弃权不投票。I _ from voting.

他们合计了投票数。They summed up the voting.

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我的投票系统安全吗?Is my voting system secure?

投票的法定年龄是十八岁。The legal age for voting is eighteen.

投票系统验证数据。The voting system validates that data.

本系统是一个网络投票系统。This system is a network voting system.

妇女们为他们的子宫投票。Young women are voting with their wombs.

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第一轮投票还没有结束。The fist round of voting hasn t finished.

你是如何看待强制投票的呢?What is your opinion of mandatory voting?

你可以将股份分为有表决权和无表决权两种。You can have voting and non-voting shares.

在34个州里,提前投票已经开始了。Early voting is underway in 34 U.S. states.

表决权的份量取决于认缴资本额。Voting is weighted by capital subscription.

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这样会出现多次投票的问题。This brings up the issue of multiple voting.

投票常常意味着在X或者Y之间做选择。Voting usually means deciding between X or Y.

他们逼迫我投该规划的赞同票。They strong-armed me into voting for the plan.

我看到的大多数人都是孤身前去投票。Most people I see voting go to the polls alone.

当时该国妇女无选举权。Women were debarred from voting in that country.

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本人并未有丧失在选举中投票的资格。I am not disqualified from voting at an election.

辩论结束投票时,他弃权了。He abstained from voting at the end of the debate.

所有的投票系统都能被人做手脚或出错。All voting systems are open to tampering and error.