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我不再想去东京,大阪,神户,奈良。I do not want to go to Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and Nara.

每逢假期,奈良就在格拉斯司迪里找麻烦。On his day-off Nara looks for trouble in Glass City.

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本和利把我带到宁静的纳拉湾度过一夜。Ben and Leigh took me to the peaceful Nara Inlet for the night.

奈良收藏了世界最大的青铜佛像之一。Nara houses one of the largest bronze Buddha statues in the world.

它的瓜果喂养了纳米比亚境内食物链上的各种动物。Nara melon, is a staple of Namib species at every rung of the food chain.

在奈良县五条,救援人员在残骸中寻找失踪人员。Rescue workers search for missing people among the debris in Gojo, Nara Prefecture.

东大寺初建于奈良时代,平安末期毁于战火。Todaiji, first built in Nara period, was destroyed in war at the end of the Peace Time.

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世界上最大的木制建筑是奈良市宏伟的东大寺寺庙。The world’s biggest wooden building is the grand temple of Todai-ji in the city of Nara.

黑邮件在角落里发呆,想着奈良城的别有洞天。Black Email is spacing out in the corner, contemplating an alternative life in Nara City.

在奈良县一个村子,72小时的降雨量高达1250毫米,创历史最高纪录。A village in Nara Prefecture, 72-hour rainfall of up to 1250 mm, breaking the previous record.

该木简可能成为表明奈良时代中国式教科书得到广泛使用的史料。The wooden slips that the Nara period may be widely used Chinese textbooks, the historical data.

他的影响至今见之于奈良古都的设计、布局和建筑风格中。His influence is still found in the design, lay-out and architecture in the then capital of Nara.

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保存车辆的初始模型,埃尔夫,维持秩序的工作奈良五十铃。The preserved vehicle is the initial model of the Elf, maintained in working order by Nara Isuzu.

我负责的地区包括日本的京都,福井,滋贺,和奈良4个县。My district in Japan coves four of the prefecture of central Japan – Kyoto, Fukui, Shiga and Nara.

而日本中青代艺术家,如奈良美智、村上隆,对世界的可爱卡通艺术更是具有先导的作用。And Yoshitomo Nara and Takashi Murakami introduce Super Flat and Cute Culture to the world art community.

在日本中部的奈良山区,一名茶农走在如波涛般起伏的茶树田中。A harvester walks amid undulating waves of tea plants in the mountainous Nara Prefecture in central Japan.

奈良桥这番话让幸子大为震惊,立刻跟勇次、阿大、真子联络。Nara bridge this remark let good son was shocked, immediately with yong times, big, and the true son, contact.

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在奈良县一个村子的一位73岁老人的住房被泥石流冲走,老人也不幸身亡。A village in Nara Prefecture, a 73-year-old houses were washed away by landslides, the elderly are also killed.

真子悲伤地把这件事情告诉了勇次,大急的他立刻抱着SKY去找SKY的主治医生奈良桥。True son sadly put the thing told yong times, big nasty he immediately embrace SKY to find SKY chief doctor nara bridge.

建于1200年前的日本奈良正仓院,收藏有万余件中国、朝鲜和日本的文物精品。Built prior to 1200 the Shosoin of Nara. Japan, houses more than ten thousand gems of cultural relics of China, Korea and Japan.