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接下来,尽你所能,在研究生管理科学入学考试中获得高分。Next, do everything you can to get a high GMAT math score.

去年,接近900名美国居民向亚洲学校发送了GMAT成绩。Almost 900 U.S. residents sent GMAT scores to Asian institutions last year.

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GMAT是机考,考察阅读、数学和写作技能。The GMAT is a computer test that measures reading, mathematics and writing skills.

GMAT是机考,考察阅读、数学和学作方面的能力。The GMAT is a computer test that measures reading, mathematics andwrittingwriting skills.

像GMAT的文章一样,上面的文字可能不那么好“消化”——不过对于考试,这倒是个不错的训练。Like GMAT passages, the prose can be a tad difficult to digest — good practice for test day!

一个你能在你的候选竞争对手中脱颖而出最有效的方法就是重新考一次GMAT。One of the most tangible ways you can make a difference in your candidacy is to retake the GMAT.

分析性写作评价得分范围在0分到6分之间,从经企管理研究生入学考试两篇作文中取平均数。Analytical Writing Assessment scores range from 0 to 6 and represent the average of the ratings from the two GMAT essays.

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在亚洲商学院收到的GMAT成绩单大幅增加之际,对先进商业教育的需求也蔓延到了亚洲以外地区。While business schools in Asia saw a bump in GMAT scores, the demand for advanced business education is pushing beyond the South Pacific.

这些定量性的度量法确实在录取过程中有帮助,但是我们也帮助过这样的学生,他们GMAT分数只有500左右,但是却被录取了。While these quantitative measures certainly help in the admissions process, we have helped students get into HBS with GMAT scores in the 500s.

哈佛每年招生900人,收到的申请数量却超过9,000份,而且申请者的GMAT平均分都在700分以上。Harvard receives over 9,000 applications for 900 spots, and the average score on the GMAT for the applicant pool -- the applicant pool -- is over 700.

请注意,艾德菲大学在申请时并不要求GMAT分数,但在录取时需要GMAT分数。Please note that Adelphi does not require a GMAT score at the time of application, however, they do require a GMAT score at the time of matriculation.

为了让你更轻松地做出选择,我们已经根据每个出版物与MBA和GMAT的“相关度”将它们分为了五级,其中五级代表最有用的。We’ve scored each publication according to their MBA and GMAT “prep factor” on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most helpful, to make the selection process easier.

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GMAT中的每一篇阅读文章都是浑然一体的,也就是说,每一个句子和段落都支持或者展开同一个主题,或者叫一个中心思想。Each reading comprehension passage in the GMAT is a unified whole—that is, the individual sentences and paragraphs support and develop one main idea or central point.

尽管你的GMAT分数可以部分证明你的能力水平,但招生委员会还会参考其他材料,以合理预测你在繁重的计算任务下表现将会如何。While your GMAT score will provide some indication of your skills, the admissions committee will also look at your transcripts to predict your performance in quant-heavy courses.

无论你是打算预先磨练一下自己的商业头脑,还是想强化一下你的GMAT阅读理解能力,下面这些杂志和网站都是为你的阅读训练而准备的。Whether you’re looking to sharpen your knowledge of business or strengthen your GMAT reading comprehension skills, here’s a list of magazines and websites to add to your reading regimen.

如果你觉得是因为GMAT分数一般影响了录取,那就把在社区学院里为提高技能而参加的会计或财务课程的成绩单寄过去。If you suspect a mediocre quantitative score on the GMAT is a culprit, send them transcripts of accounting or finance classes you have taken at a community college to boost your skills, for example.