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我们都在等,她可能也觉得我臭跩。We're all waiting. ' Maybe she also thinks that I am snobby.

自命不凡的李医师,觉得一些病人无知和愚蠢。A snobby person, Dr. Lee thinks some patients ignorant and stupid.

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在墨西哥,用刀叉吃饭是十分势利的表现。In Mexico, it is considered an almost snobby practice to use a fork and knife.

你是说“时尚”那帮势利的。助理们会喜欢那种地方?You mean those snobby assistants from "mode" actually like that kind of place?

我并不认为怀揣着如此势利态度的广告值得信赖。I do not see this author as trustworthy it seems as if they have a snobby attitude.

你也许不信,有时候和一帮自负的人在一起会给你造成一些压力迫使你不断前进。Sometimes, believe it or not, staying with a whole bunch of snobby people creates pressure for people to move forward.

我不会说谢尔科,迪翁还有史努比安博是所有校园剧坏女孩的代表,但是他们的确意识到了自我的社会地位。I wouldn't say that Cher, Dionne, and the snobby Amber top the list of teen movie bitches, but they're definitely aware of their social status.

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我认为他们这么做太势利,太不负责任了,但LinkedIn还总吹嘘有多少客户通过他们赚了几百万,所以你还能指望这样的公司么?I thought that was rather snobby and unhelpful, but it is a company that's always bragging about how many of its users make six figures, so what do you expect?

你不会让他们的势力态度阻止你在此购物的同时,你可能要三思而后问在哪里可以找到最新的丹尼尔.斯蒂尔的小说。While you shouldn't let their snobby attitude stop you from shopping here, you may want to think twice about asking where to find the latest Danielle Steel novel.

至于“淘气”,孩子们认为“不听父母话”、“小气、爱欺负人”以及“势利傲慢”都是淘气鬼们的“招牌行为”。On the flip side, they mentioned "not listening to parents," "being mean and bullying" and "being snobby" as behaviors exhibited by those headed for the naughty list.

穿Guess的衬衫说明你是富家千金,自命不凡,任何其他差一些的衣服都是不可接受的。Wearing Abercrombie jeans meant you were the preppy all-American girl, a Guess shirt meant you were the snobby rich girl, and anything worse or less than that was unacceptable.