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它主要针对的是16至24岁的人群。It aims for the 16-24 demographic.

所以这是个相当不错的人数统计。So it's a really nice demographic.

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谁又是处于次重要地位的人口学参与者呢?Who are the other important demographic players?

你可以参见我的Facebook统计图以及受众分析。See my Facebook demographic and audience analysis.

夕张市是一个写照,整个日本正陷入人口问题的漩涡。Like Yubari, Japan is heading into a demographic vortex.

许多发展中国家正在经受人口学的变化。Many developing countries are enjoying demographic changes.

几年十危言耸听的人口统计论并没有任何帮助,特别是孤儿们发现自已深处争论不休之中。Several decades of demographic scaremongering had not helped.

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八零、九零后已经成为工作场所中最大的人口群体。Millennials have become the largest demographic in the workplace.

据新科学家网站报道,在世界人口统计学中,百岁老寿星的人数增长速度最快。People over 100 are the fastest-growing demographic in the world.

人口变化是劳动力老龄化的又一原因。Demographic change is another reason why the workforce is greying.

我几年前用“书呆子”这个词来描述这类人群。I picked "nerd" as the word years ago to describe this demographic.

“这是一个在学生人群中的人口统计学趋势,”CEO布兰登·巴斯特德说。"It's a demographic trend among students," CEO Brandon Busteed says.

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“这是一个在学生人群中的人口统计学趋势,”CEO布兰登·巴斯特德说。"It's a demographic trend among students, " CEO Brandon Busteed says.

这意味着日本在人口政策上正奔向死亡之路。All of this means that Japan is rushing toward a demographic hara-kiri.

然后对于下一个发布或迭代,选择一个不同的人群。Then, for the next release or iteration, select a different demographic.

这个相对较低的青年失业率也是人口发展的结果。This relatively low level is also the result of demographic developments.

狱中书信寄往不同的杂志,从社会经济类到人口统计学。Jail mail comes to magazines of all stripes and socioeconomic demographic.

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除经济和人口挑战外,中国民怨涌动。Beyond economic and demographic challenges, China is roiling with discontent.

中东和北非地区怎样通过全球化收益来解决其人口变化所面临的挑战?How can MENA benefit from globalization to address its demographic challenge?

其后果就是人口危机拖累增长。One consequence is a demographic crisis that is expected to drag down growth.