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我走进了一个饮食店。I went into an eatery.

顺义哪里有咖啡厅和不错的餐馆?Shun Yi, where has the cafe and the good eatery ?

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刚好在主干道旁边的小食店我们遇见了。We met in a little eatery just off the main road.

学校食堂做的饭菜卫生的可口,我很爱吃。The meals of our school eatery are hygeian and delious.

博格·蒂雷尔也经常光顾一家名叫“德克斯餐馆”的科科镇餐饮店。She also frequented the CoCo Town eatery known as Dex's Diner.

一勒马,飘身跃下马背,缓步走向酒肆。Stopped the horse, Pingzhi Lin jumped down and walked in the eatery.

一张美国副总统乔。拜登到北京一家小餐饮吃面条的照片,同样引发了民众的激辩。A visit by Vice-President Joe Biden to a small Beijing eatery fuelled debate.

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剩饭菜跟你在当地快餐店里买的任何东西相比都更快、更容易,也更实惠和健康。Leftovers are faster, easier, cheaper and healthier than anything you’ll find at the local fast food eatery.

就像通心面烤肉餐厅一样,这个意大利餐厅提供很多对你有益的选择,只要你总是那么明智。Like Macaroni Grill, this Italian eatery has great-for-you options, as long as you keep your wits about you.

哭球座落在北京城北回龙观的流星花园,表面上看起来就像这儿的任何餐馆一样。Located in Meteor Garden in Huilongguan, northern Beijing, Ku Qiu looks like any other eatery from the outside.

从江南特色水乡到充满异国风味的德国餐厅,一应俱全。Here visitors may find a handful of options from classic Jiang'nan-style eatery to contemporary German restaurant.

共和县恰卜恰镇有哪些经营海南州笨地小吃的老字号餐馆?Who eatery managing unwieldy Hainan State field snack old and famous shop does the republic county Qiabuqia town have?

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罗布,现在他的女儿和他忠诚的员工到当地的美食餐馆,决心把一个破败的乡村酒吧。Rob, his daughter and his loyal staff are now determined to turn a run-down countryside pub into a local gourmet eatery.

在台北,一位小吃摊的老闆,过去23年来,都会在农历新年时提供免费餐点给街友吃。And an eatery owner in Taipei has been providing free meals during the Chinese New Year for homeless people for 23 years.

一间新式的小素食店,纯朴而温馨,也随波逐流的做汉堡包、意式烤面包和面包圈,还有味道古怪的咖喱。A funky little vegetarian eatery – earthy and feel-good – Drift do burgers bruschetta and rolls, as well as the odd curry.

一些顾客表示很惊讶,拜登居然会挑这么便宜的一个小饭馆吃饭,中国媒体称之为“炸酱面外交”。A few customers expressed surprise that Biden had chosen such an inexpensive eatery for his meal, which Chinese media called "noodle diplomacy."

玉树县结古镇有哪些经营玉树州本地小吃的老字号饭餐馆?。Who meal eatery managing beautiful local tree prefecture snack old and famous shop does the beautiful tree county form an ancient county having?

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昆山市的这家餐馆于上周开业,机器人在里面接待客人、端菜,甚至炒起了肉和青菜。Mechanical staff greet customers, deliver dishes to tables and even stir-frymeat and vegetables at the eatery in Kunshan, which opened last week.

学生经营的酒吧和餐馆,是工会的一个主要收入来源,甚至可以直接利用在建筑的绿色屋顶生长的产品。The student-run pub and eatery program, one of the union's main revenue drivers, even utilizes products grown directly on the building's green roof.

攻击菜单“上净是诸如”伪装鸡“、”M16烤肉“等极具震撼性的菜品。店主称并不想宣扬暴力,”虽然很多年轻人来这里用餐,但他们并非要来学习使用武力,只是来了解武器的结构。“One of them is the "Buns and Guns" eatery in Beirut, which offers such shocking dishes as "chicken camouflage", and roast "M16" in its "offensive" menu.