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我心中的沉重感消失了。The heaviness in my heart vanished.

我突然感到有种巨大的沉重感压迫着我。An enormous heaviness was coming over me.

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他们的面无表情就是重、定的表现。Their deadpans represent heaviness and fixed mind.

然而这样却会引起堵塞毛孔或者是刺激皮肤。The heaviness can result in clogged pores or irritated skin.

我是大有忧愁,心里时常伤痛。That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.

愧疚和悲伤如此沉重。And I felt the relentless heaviness of guilt mingled with grief.

也许是你身体不同部分的沉重和压抑。Maybe heaviness or constriction in different parts of your body.

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一进博物馆,她就感到了一种历史的厚重感。Once entering the Museum, Ice felt an overwhelming heaviness of history.

挑菠萝时要看外观、称重量、闻气味。Spot good pineapples by observing their appearance, heaviness and scent.

汽车离合器踏板沉重是目前国产汽车普遍存在的问题之一。Heaviness of vehicle clutch pedal is a common problem of domestic vehicle.

我自己定了主意,再到你们那里去,必须大家没有忧愁。But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness.

四肢无力或沉重,则是地元素偏胜的症象。A feeling of lethargy or heaviness in your limbs is a sign of too much earth property.

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当冬季厚重感实足的贵妇风结束后,米色、肌色和白色成为复苏的色彩。Beige and nude and off white are refreshing colors after the heaviness of wintry jewel tones.

而从开始原谅的那刻起,你会感觉轻松了许多,多年的沉重包袱也神奇的不见了!The moment you start forgiving, you feel lot lighter and years of heaviness lifted magically!

芦荟和杏子用以修护头发,令头发轻盈及油光不再。A light Aloe &Apricot infused conditioner to repair the hair without any heaviness or greasiness.

我们的沉重跟轻盈之感,就是从这两个相反倾向的「宿怨」中出现。Our feelings of heaviness and lightness emerge out of this " feud" between two opposing tendencies.

参加了世界杯的法国球员必须要克服他们头脑中沉重的思想负担。The French players who were at the World Cup had to overcome mental heaviness in their heads and on their shoulders.

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尽管前景未卜,但从头开始的轻松感取代了保持成功的沉重感。The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything.

除1例病人出现头胀而终止治疗外,没有发现明显的不良反应。No significant adverse reaction was noted except 1 case of heaviness in head and the medication had to be dis-continued.

而婴儿向他透露自己乃上帝之子,自己重量如此之巨是因为肩上负有世界之重。The child then reveals himself to be the Christ child and his heaviness due to the weight of the world on his shoulders.