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压扁吸血鬼?Vampire squished?

你是一只活力吸血鬼吗?Are You an Energy Vampire?

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难道是吸血鬼?Is a blood-sucking vampire?

他是一个食尸鬼,还是一个吸血鬼呢?Is he a ghoul or a vampire?

“血浆,”第三个说。"Plasma," says the vampire.

那吸血蝙蝠怎么样啊?What about the vampire bats?

一名吸血鬼和一个即死的人类小孩…A vampire and a dying human child.

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我觉得那里是个吸血鬼的聚集地。I think that it's a vampire coven.

吸血鬼维克特是个素食者。Victor the vampire is a vegetarian.

你觉得完美的吸血鬼是怎样的?How do you picture the perfect vampire?

他需要爱就像吸血鬼需要血一样。He needed it like a vampire needs blood.

他想装成怪物或吸血鬼。He wants to be Frankenstein or a vampire.

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一个吸血鬼出现在拜伦的的Giaour。A vampire appears in Lord Byron's The Giaour.

我想扮成长着尖牙的吸血鬼!I wanna dress up as a vampire with big fangs.

卡密拉的吸血西蒙打几十年前。Carmilla, the vampire Simon fought decades ago.

希望显祖给以协助对付吸血鬼。Hope to show them to help deal with the vampire.

此外,要杀死吸血鬼几乎是天方夜谭。Moreover, it’s almost impossible to kill a vampire.

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“也许接下去我会演个吸血鬼,”他打趣地说道。"Probably I'll be a vampire next, " he kiddingly said.

顺便告诉你,她写的是没多少文化含量的吸血鬼小说暮光之城的仿制品。FYI, her books are low-brow vampire Twilight knockoffs.

吸血鬼弯下腰,想把大南瓜从藤上摘下来。The vampire bent down to take the pumpkin off the vine.