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让我们归纳一下绝对主义国家的特征Let's characterize absolute rule.

我们刻画了无套利区间。We characterize arbitrage-free interval.

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你如何刻划领导层的类型?How do you characterize the leadership style?

柔和感是这款梅乐葡萄酒的特点。Soft tannins characterize the taste of this Merlot.

你可以把他的行为刻画为个人主义者的行为。You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist.

这预示着找到了一个可以用来分析行星特征的有趣的新方法。It heralds an interesting new way to characterize planets.

让我们可以用来,表征固态物质。And x-ray diffraction allows us to characterize solid matter.

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布兰德福德认为有两个主要的参数控制着黑洞的特性。Blandford says two primary parameters characterize black holes.

他早期绘画的特点是色彩鲜明,笔法粗犷。Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early paintings.

霍布斯如何描述人类自然状态的特质?How does Hobbes characterize the "NATURALL CONDITION of Mankind"?

花是被子植物特有的繁殖器官。Flowers are reproductive structures that characterize angiosperms.

还有就是我称之为基督教的解答Then there is what I would characterize as the Christian solution.

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高硬度和可重复性特点滚珠丝杠驱动器。High stiffness and repeatability characterize the ball screw drive.

为什么模仿行为表示了国外直接投资的典型?Why does imitative behavior characterize foreign direct investment?

这样质朴的美丽很好的表达了中国文化的特点。Such plain beauty is the right thing to characterize Chinese culture.

还有一些地形的特点这一新的,快速的文化。There are some topographies to characterize this new and fast culture.

建造工作开始前,必须先完成现场调查和钻探土壤特性。Building begins after field surveys and borings characterize the soils.

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如果行为是有意的,我们一般将其特征归为应负责任的。We ordinarily characterize an action as responsible if it was intended.

别出心裁,绝不雷同,这是新凯骊产品的独特之道!Ingenuity and absolute dissimilarity characterize the product of Nkelly!

但是让我说,总体上看,可以把亚洲学生划作同一类,But I'd say on the whole, you could probably characterize Asian students,