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下面是一个描述五角星形的多边形And this is a polygon describing a pentagram

还有男孩的收藏品就是红五星。Another collection is red pentagram for boys.

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刺向五芒星的中心并面向西方。Stab the pentagram in the center and face West.

我需要学习更多五角星形的象征符号知识。I need to learn more about the symbolism of the pentagram.

并且她仍然没有,格兰达的魔棒是一个倒置的五角芒星。And she still hasn't. Glanda's wand is an inverted pentagram.

更多相关的图片和项目信息在潘特格拉姆的博客上。More contextual images and project info on the Pentagram blog.

第二季的时候,Supernatural这些字从火焰中出现,而且其中的“A”还变成了五角星形。In Season Two, it appears in flames and the "A" becomes a pentagram.

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到我的公务室来看,你能找到五角星形的雕塑。Go look in my office, you should find an engraving of a pentagram there.

根据父亲所说,我的星空命盘奇如五星之状。According to my father, the chart of my sky curiously resembles pentagram.

五角星形,数字,一定有某些事可以从这些被推导出来。A pentagram , numbers, there's certainly something to elicit from all this.

根据父亲所说,我的星空命盘奇如五星之状。According to my father, the chart of my sky curiously resembles a pentagram.

请问我们小五角形驱逐仪式的运用有何价值及其效果如何?。Has our use of the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram been of any value and what is its effect?

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雕刻在玻璃上的图形设置在五角星形的五点,和吉恩的版刻很像。The figures inscribed on the glass are set at the tips of the pentagram 's five points, like in Jean-Aim?s engraving.

板刻的图和玻璃盘在五角星形的点以近乎相同的方法摆放。The figures of the engraving and of the glass disk are placed approximately the same way, on the points of pentagram.

板刻的图和玻璃盘在五角星形的点以近乎相同的方法摆放。The figures of the engraving and of the glass disk are placed approximately the same way, on the points of a pentagram.

这个麦田怪圈里有个精致的五角星,每个角上有个突出的月亮。This crop circle is an elaboration on the basic pentagram shape with moon shapes protruding from each point of the star.

“钥匙在最后一个”。就在他谈到五角星形之后,父亲给了我这个启示。所有的事情似乎被连接了起来。"The key is in the last one". Father evoked that to me, just after he spoke of the pentagram . Everything may be connected.

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做出以诺派五芒星驱逐仪式和六芒星驱逐仪式,用权账或短剑进行仪式。Perform the Enochian Pentagram Banishing Ritual and Hexagram Banishing Ritual, using either Fire Wand, Air Dagger or thumd wand.

面向北方站立。右手以火元素权杖、风元素短剑或是姆指宽度的权杖,画出五芒星。Stand facing North. Use either the Fire Wand, Air Dagger or thumb wand of the right hand, to trace the lineal figure of the Pentagram.

如果他们提供了宝贵且真实的信息,如同“水门事件”案或“五角大楼文件”案,那么他们的动机就不重要了。If the information they're giving is valuable and truthful like with "Watergate" or "the Pentagram Papers", and their motive don't matter.