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橡胶成了马来亚经济的支柱产品。Rubber became the staple of the Malayan economy.

此外,它还有另一颗牙需要修复。The Malayan Sun Bear also had another tooth repaired.

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马来人。有黑人血统的人和有亚洲血统的人。Malayan. and black descent and people of Asian descent.

印度,印度尼西亚群岛,马来亚群岛和印支中国。India, The Indonesian Islands, Malayan Islands and Indo China.

马来半岛的一个羽状叶片棕榈树属,只开花结果一次然后死亡。A genus of Malayan pinnate-leaved palm trees that flower and fruit once and then die.

由于历史和现实原因,泰国南部的马来穆斯林同主体民族泰人及泰国中央政府之间一直存在着隔阂。Owing to historical and realistic reasons, Malayan Muslims have been long estranged from the Thai and the central government.

在马来亚航空公司的旗帜下,开始了从新加坡飞往三个马来亚三个城市的首航。这是哪一年?The very first flight, under the banner of Malayan Airways Limited, took off from Singapore for three Malayan cities. When was that?

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马来西亚半岛拥有一些世界上最惊人的野生动物,包括苏门答腊犀牛,马来虎和亚洲象。The Malaysian peninsula is home to some of world's most amazing wildlife including Sumatran rhinos , Malayan tigers and Asian elephants.

有着圆鼓鼓丰满身材的貘,在泰国的传说中认为天神在创造动物时,搓圆了多余的黏土,而形成了这种动物。In the traditional genesis legend in Thailand, the Malayan tapir was made of redundant clay to explain its body shape both round and full.

2002年8月8日。马来西亚吉隆坡,一只马来亚穿山甲在被自然野生动物园相关部门没收后被释放出笼子。Malayan pangolin is released from its cage after being confiscated by the Department of Wildlife and Natural Parks in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Aug. 8, 2002.

本人是从事休闲膨化食品研发的马来亚籍专业技术人员,工作经历三十年,在中国已近十年。I am engaged in leisure malayan puffed food research and development professional and technical personnel who, thirty years work experience in China for almost a decade.

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该书的主人公是一名欧洲商人和马来女子的儿子,书中巧妙地融合了英语和印度俚语,野趣十足。It's the glorious mash-up of English and Indian colloquialism that makes this book, about the son of a European merchant and a Malayan lady, such a wild, whimsical delight.

得瞳鬼、九凤、雷貘、狰、深红、蛮、巨齿七妖魔相助,且看主角如何力挽狂澜、平妖荡魔!The pupil to devils, and nine chicken, ray, the malayan tapir Zheng, scarlet, pretty, huge tooth seven evil help, and see leading role out how to fix, flat demon swing magic!

一切都在计划之中,东方快车的铁轨沿着整个马来半岛,带着它的旅客进行一次上溯到东南亚殖民时代的旅行。When everything is going according to plan, the "E&O" traces the length of the Malayan Peninsula and takes its passengers on a journey through South-east Asia's colonial past.

这暗示,从分类地位上来看,大熊猫与熊科马来熊的亲缘关系应更近于与小熊猫和浣熊的亲缘关系,应与马来熊一样划分为熊科。It suggested that giant panda might has closer relationship with bears than that with lesser panda and raccoon and should be classified into the Ursidae family with malayan bear.

不幸的是英国人打道经由印度与马来西亚,因为某些不存在于中国的因素,那里的种族歧视一直紧紧地被维持著。It was unfortunate that the British came to China by way of India and Malayan states, where for a numbers of reasons which did not exist in China the color line was very tightly drawn.

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1946年,翁宾札法尔创立了马来联合国家组织,这个组织的代表来自不同层面的马来人,并逐步成为马来亚民族主义的标志。In 1946, Onn bin Jafar founded the United Malays National Organization, which got a broad representation among the Malays and accordingly, became a living symbol of Malayan nationalism.

阿拉伯系也此页的传统巫文里用到的字大多数要按照单词里的位置变化字形的也目前适当地显示了。Regarding the Arabic texts, most of the characters are changed their form depending on the position of the words used as traditional Malayan text in this page are now displayed in respective form now.