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有的疣体表面呈颗粒状或分叶状,伴有少许分泌物。Some warts grainy or lobulated, with a little secretion.

现在表面略有诺比,感觉有点粒状。The surface is now slightly knobby and feels a bit grainy.

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第四,其清晰度受到设备本身限制,颗粒感明显。Fourth, the resolution limited by the device itself, grainy obvious.

粗粒芥末有颗粒状纹理,并有中部热带水果的味道。Coarse-grained mustard has a grainy texture and a medium-hot fruity taste.

在模糊的静止图像中,赛尔夫认出了其中一个持卡人。Self realizes that he recognizes one of the guys in the grainy still image.

那么它们能够探测出微粒状时空的全息投影吗?So would they be able to detect a holographic projection of grainy space-time?

水果有轻微突起,一瘦,皮肤略肌理质感,是很可爱。Fruit has minor protuberances, a thin skin, a slightly grainy texture and is quite sweet.

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它使图像产生难看的颗粒,特别是在单块颜色的地方。It gives the image an unsightly grainy appearance, especially in smooth monochromatic areas.

具有木质干燥、木纹清晰美观、不变形不开裂的特点。Wood is dry, grainy clear aesthetic, not the characteristics of deformation is not cracking.

观众们随后看到了一张充满颗粒状干扰的黑白照片,播音员说,这张照片就是受损的切尔诺贝利4号反应堆。Viewers then saw a grainy black-and-white photo of what wasdescribed as Chernobyl'sstricken Unit No.

黄河石粉作添加剂可用于食品、药品、化妆品、涂料、饲料等应用领域。The powder of grainy stone as additives can be used for the food and drug cosmetic, feed and other fields.

仅仅一张小照片足以让我想知道更多关于这方面的知识。然而,我知道的越多,越让我心惊胆颤。Just one tiny, grainy photo was enough to make me want to know more, and the more I knew, the worse it got.

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阴燃是疏松或颗粒状介质中形成的缓慢的热解和氧化反应,是没有火焰的燃烧。Smolder isa slow pyrolysis and oxidative reaction in loose and grainy medium, and it isflameless combustion.

在图像顶部和底部的颗粒状结构就是宇宙背景微波。The cosmic microwave background is apparent as the grainy structure towards the top and bottom of the image.

其中的一张照片拍的是地球,在四十亿米远之外,地球就是一连串粒状物中的一个“淡蓝的圆点”。One image Voyager returned was of Earth, 4 billion miles distant, showing up as a "pale blue dot" in the grainy photo.

这张皱皱巴巴的照片已经证明了——空中力量不仅在天空具有统治地位,在海上也是如此。It was all there in the grainy photos—conclusive proof of the warplane's dominance not only of the sky, but of the sea.

当挤在手心里一些的时候会感觉到有细小颗粒状的物质存在,我猜想难道这些颗粒就是帮助清除定型残留的?When you put some on your hands you can feel little grainy bits that I guess are supposed to help remove styling residue?

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科学家试图研究这个跨越整个天空的巨大符号,这就意味着要看穿银河系的“浓雾”。Scientists want to study this grainy signature across the entire sky, which means seeing through the "fog" of our Milky Way.

楔形体插入块状物体的统计机理不同于插入细粒物料的机理。The statistical principle of tapered body wedging into lump material is different from that of wedging into grainy material.

在这些故事情节中,可能有漂亮的装束和昂贵的道具,或者几十年前的黑白电影的效果。In these stories, there may be beautiful costumes and expensive sets, or grainy black-and-white shots that are decades out of date.