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我是一个很有男子气概的人。I'm a very virile man.

这类诗中颇多高古、雄浑之作。Many of the poems were elegant and virile.

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男人只有在好斗的时候才像男人。A men is virile only when he is belligerent.

我是天蝎,我们知道是非常刚健。I'ma Scorpio and we're known to be very virile.

我们应该拿出雄健的精神。We should brace up our virile and energetic spirit.

他的男性角色大多为三十几岁的男子。His male characters are virile men in their thirties.

这个角色代表性格刚烈或粗暴的男性,比如武士。This role represents a man of virile or rough character like warriors.

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不过,我们还是称那些清醒之人为具有男子气概的人,我们不需要那种独立于清醒之外的力量。But we call the lucid ones virile and we do not want a strength that is apart from lucidity.

江湖上也渐渐流传着中国政府官员威猛的故事。There’s also the growing reputation of Chinese government officials as a particularly virile lot.

希腊人认为,他们使人们更加刚健,另外,橄榄为完美的低碳水化合物开胃菜。The Greeks believed they made men more virile as well. Plus, olives make for a perfect low-carb appetizer.

建筑立面由轻表皮附着而成,轻表皮所流露出来的建筑气质阳刚而健美。Elevation of building is adhered by light epidermis, light epidermis reveal virile and body-building architecture style.

再怎么说我也是一七尺男儿,为了获得好感,向一女流之辈卑躬屈膝算什么事,尽失男人尊严。Moreover, I am a virile man, I can't behave in a servile way to the woman for obtaining favor, thus I will lose my self-respect.

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这幅是几位十岁的新娘被迫坐在木柴上,那是古代学业宫殿里刚劲象牙的象征。Here are some brides of ten compelled to seat themselves on the fascinum, the virile ivory in the temples of classical scholarship.

爱绘画的清洁工,性格内向的单身贵族,魅力十足的厨师,和他敏感而有趣的祖母。An office cleaner, a young timid aristocrat, a virile and tender cook as well as his beloved grandmother who are fragile and amusing.

甚至在失去生殖器官后,我们的人仍然比所有施刑者加在一起更像男人一千倍。Even when they had been deprived of their virile organs, our men were still a thousand times more men than all their tormentors together.

她还提到这一群体数量的增加“给医疗方案、社会问题和政府政策带来了影响。”She said the presence of a greater number of more virile men "has implications for medical plans and social issues and government policy.

越来越多的电影与电视即使没有把枪支描写成彻底的增加性魅力的器具,也把它描写成男性必须拥有和使用的物品。An ever-increasing share of film and television depicts the firearm as something the virile must have and use, if not an outright sexual aid.

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床体中正大方,床屏流线型,在端庄之中不失灵动,充满男性的阳刚之气。Square and decent bed body, streamline bed screen, which show the civility but not lack of flaxible movements, fulls of vigour, strength and virile.

但,那些依仗希望而生的人们是不会在这个宇宙中欣欣向荣的,在这个宇宙中,善良让渡于慷慨,挚爱让位于阳刚的沉默,而相互交流之于孤独的勇气。But men who live on hope do not thrive in this universe where kindness yields to generosity, affection to virile silence, and communion to solitary courage.

15世纪的阿兹特克国王Moctezuma一世相信“定期食用巧克力可以使他更具男子魅力,更能满足他的妻妾们。”Fifteenth-century Aztec emperor Moctezuma I believed "eating chocolate on a regular basis made him more virile and better able to serve his harem, " she said.