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这份报告指责的是大陆么?Is this a report debasing mainland?

他怎么回大陆来了?Why does he return to the mainland?

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小叮当可以和我们一起去大陆地吗?Can't Tink come with us to the mainland?

炮艇朝陆地开炮。The gunboat opened fire on the mainland.

他是内地乐坛的一个异数。He is a different number of mainland music.

在大陆这种情绪十分常见。Such sentiments are common on the mainland.

许多内地城市变成空城。Many mainland cities have become Empty City.

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这座大桥把小岛和大陆衔接起来。The bridge joins the island to the mainland.

证明的使用范围在内地。Such attesting is to be used in the mainland.

内地高考生对教院的学习生活充满憧憬。Mainland students are eager to study at HKIEd.

这只能意味着正在从大陆调军队来岛。That could only mean troops from the mainland.

这座桥将该岛和大陆连接起来。The bridge links the island with the mainland.

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这些节目将对中国大陆播放。The programs will be beamed to Mainland China.

中国大陆烘焙咖啡产销量最大的公司。Biggest roasted coffee company in Mainland China.

伊利亚德法鲁是连接内地的道路。Ilha de Faro is connected to the mainland by road.

而在欧洲,在中国内地,这其实都是一件稀松平…Such is the norm in Europe, and in mainland China.

百度在中国大陆是很普及的了。Baidu is in chinese mainland is very all-pervading.

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全方位服务于国内商业地产领域。We devote to serving mainland business real estate.

在中国大陆证券市场中是什么令一家公司热起来呢?What makes a company hot on the mainland exchanges?

而在中国大陆,北京以首次性行为平均年龄20.63岁领先。Beijing leads the Chinese mainland with 20.63 years.