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冰岛克朗是冰岛的官方货币。The Icelandic krona is the official currency of Iceland.

外国投资者纷纷撤离,给冰岛货币克朗带来了沉重打击。Foreign investors fled, pounding the country's currency, the krona.

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此次危机中最明显的受害者就是冰岛克朗。This time the most conspicuous victim has been the Icelandic krona.

我们注入银行的每一克郎,都希望能收到同样的效果。"For every krona we put into the bank, we wanted the same influence, " Mr.

100克朗纸钞显示18世纪冰岛学者奥德尼·马格纳森。Their 100 krona note depicts 18th century Icelandic scholar Arni Magnusson.

美元下滑亦对公司不利,因其年报以丹麦克朗计价.The decline of the dollar has also hit the company, which reports results in Danish krona.

麦当劳在冰岛使用的大部分配料均进口自德国,由于克朗大幅贬值,而欧元逐渐走强,其成本翻了一倍。Germany – leading to a doubling in costs as the krona has collapsed while the euro has strengthened.

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欧洲货币表现良好,最强的是欧元,瑞士法郎和挪威克郎。The European currencies are faring well and the strongest are the euro, Swiss franc and Norwegian krona.

冰岛克郎在资本市场被冻结,现在则外溢到了海外冰岛人的日常交易领域。The Icelandic krona 's freeze in the capital markets had now spilled over into the day-to-day transactions of Icelanders abroad.

冰岛政府已出台紧急措施,企图限制外汇流出,以保护摇摇欲坠的冰岛克朗。The Icelandic government has introduced emergency measures to try to limit the outflow of foreign currency to protect the faltering krona.

白金和黄金大量出口国南非,已经看到今年其货币下跌比其他任何货币都要严重,不包括冰岛克朗。South Africa, a huge exporter of platinum and gold, has seen its currency fall further than any other this year except the Icelandic krona.

藉由检视非欧盟货币,如同挪威克郎,我们对于正发展的局势得到一个不同的观点。By examining a European currency that is outside of the EU like the Norwegian krona we get a different perspective of what is going on in the continent.

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过去一个月,欧元兑瑞士法郎和澳元的汇率跌至历史最低水平,欧元上周兑瑞典克朗的汇率则跌至创纪录低点。Against the swiss franc and the australian dollar the euro has hit all-time lows in the past month and just last week sank to a record low against the swedish krona.

包括美元、澳币、加拿大币、港币、英镑、瑞士法郎、日币、欧元、纽西兰币、新加坡币、南非币、瑞典币等十二种币别。U. S. Dollar, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, British Pound, Swiss Franc , Japanese Yen, EURO, New Zealand Dollar, Singapore Dollar, South African Rand and Swedish Krona.

然而,最近几周欧元走势与瑞士法郎以及瑞典和挪威克郎更为分歧,这是由于越来越担忧欧元续存的问题。However, in recent weeks it is diverging from the Swiss franc and to a lesser extent the Swedish and Norwegian krona. This is due to the growing fears about the survival of the single currency.

在过去一周左右,日元与避险货币瑞朗一同走强,以及商品货币,如南非兰特,挪威克郎。For the last week or so, the yen is strengthening with the other 'strong' safe-haven currencies like the Swiss franc, but also commodity currencies like the South African rand and Norwegian krona.

他说,麦当劳多数原料要从德国进口,而由于受到冰岛克朗严重贬值和高进口关税的影响,进口成本在过去18个月中翻了一番。He said the cost of McDonald's ingredients, most of which are sourced from Germany, had doubled in the last 18 months as a result of severe depreciation of the Icelandic krona and high import taxes.