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产生的数值称为相关度。The numerical measure is called relevancy or score.

另一个注意力游戏中的关键因素是关联。Another key ingredient in the attention game is relevancy.

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现在的搜索结果都是根据相关度和新颖度进行自动排名的。Today, results are automatically ranked by relevancy and freshness.

第一部分探讨了证据关联性的基本含义及其内涵。Part IThe discussion on the basic content of the relevancy of the evidence.

然后系统就会根据相关性对你的阅读列表进行打分和编辑。From here the system scores and compiles your reading list based on relevancy.

度量标准以及它们所揭示的趋势将在整个项目中发生相关性的变更。Metrics and the trends they reveal will change in relevancy throughout the project.

事实上更多的文件甚至会使搜索引擎更糟糕,如果他没有很好的相关性。Indeed, more documents can make a search engine worse, if it doesn’t have good relevancy.

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这种精确度提高了营销相关性,优化了媒体支出效率。That degree of precision increases relevancy and optimizes the efficiency of media spend.

为解决句法分析中的结构性歧义,引入了语义相关度计算。Semantic relevancy computation is used to solve structural disambiguity in parsing syntactic.

通过对搜索品牌名称,竞争对手,目标关键词来研究并确定关联的话题。Research to determine relevancy by searching for brand name, competitors, and target keywords.

这样可以让你的酒店信息保持一致并且在不同的分销渠道中体现关联性。This will help in maintaining consistent information and relevancy across all distribution channels.

最后,使用灰色系统模型对彩票业与宏观经济的关系作了关联分析。At last, a grey system model is used to show the relevancy between lottery industry and macro-economy.

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在我们向全球化和数字化经济转型的今天,这项法律是否仍然适用?Does the statute retain relevancy in our own time of transition to a globalized and digitized economy?

一旦加入了SRR因素,搜索结果将按照社交相关度进行排名。Once Social Relevancy Rank is factored in, search results will be re-ordered based on social relevancy.

毫无疑问,人口数量的多少确实有关系,我们应当解决与爱沙尼亚经验相关的问题。Size does matter, no doubt of that and we should address the question of relevancy of Estonian experience.

经过训练的知识库可以接收文本输入,并计算出文本与每个目录的相关度数值。A trained knowledge base can take a text and compute a numerical measure of its relevancy to each category.

基于强调绝对差异分析,工资性收入关联度排第二位。Based on the absolute differences, the relevancy degree of fisheermen's wage income is at the second place.

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关联性特征的体系化、问题化和联系化教学策略。Systematizing, questioning and relating of the teaching strategies are belonging to the relevancy characteristics.

搜索业务的未来将会包含我描述的三种搜索形态,从而能够使搜索相关性最大化。The future of search is likely to embrace all three of the modalities I described to maximize relevancy in context.

如果邮件被绝收,应重新分析营销活动的相关性,调整内容和主题栏,让其更加吸引。If they´re declining, revisit the relevancy of your campaigns and tweak content and subject lines to be more appealing.