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公众期望我们提供不加修饰的真相。The public expects us to deliver the unvarnished truth.

书中单纯质朴的事实是用地道的常识来讲述的。Its pure, unvarnished truth is told with down-home common sense.

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发帖都是匿名的,这鼓励用户提出真实的观点。Postings are anonymous, which encourages users to give unvarnished views.

怎样才能快速的使晒黑的皮肤回复原样?The skin reply that how the making with fast ability suntans is unvarnished ?

我们勇敢的致力于把原样的真相公之于众。We are fearless in our efforts to get the unvarnished truth out to the public.

如果影片是在老生常谈,那么它毫无雕琢的写实风格为其增添了尖锐和深度。If the movie tells an old story, its unvarnished realism lends it poignancy and depth.

另一面的管道地板是没有漆过的木板,两边是窄窄的砖墙。The crawl space beyond had a floor of unpainted, unvarnished wood, and narrow walls of brick.

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“阆苑花前是醉乡,拈翻王母九霞觞”。拥有如紫一样质朴的日子,应该是一种温馨的生活。The simple and unvarnished life as the purple sandy-loamed tea set should be a kind of warm life.

以Unvarnished的说法,“绝不会分享个人信息,除非法律要求。Take the claim that Unvarnished "will never share personal information except as required by law."

福特总统善于寻找最好的人来协助自己,他还执着地认为,这些好人给他提都是无需掩饰的意见。Ford also searched for the best people to help him and insisted they give him their unvarnished views.

PB中数据窗口的打印支持过于简单,它只简单地将选定数据窗口原样送入打印队列。The PB print support is too simpleness. It only simply send the data Window unvarnished to print queue.

这些日志是坦率且血腥的,其全面影响需要一段时间来展现。These logs are unvarnished and brutal, and it will take some time to digest in full their implications.

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这个时候,即使油脂分泌减少了,毛囊通道也不会恢复原样。This moment, although grease is secreted, decreased, wool bursa passageway also won't restore unvarnished.

如果布朗先生要开始讲赤裸裸的真话的话,工党想要赢得竞选可就要花更大的力气了。If Mr Brown starts telling the unvarnished truth, the Tories will have to work a lot harder to win the election.

奥巴马政府公然支持危地马拉前游击队成员表明了奥巴马未经掩饰的议程。The Obama administration's blatant support for the ex-guerrillas of Guatemala showsthe unvarnished Obama agenda.

不过,我简直不明白,甚至对Unvarnished打算将我的个人信息怎么处理这个基本前提都存有不解。But I literally don't understand even the basic premises about what Unvarnished intends to do with my information.

此外,Unvarnished现在已经清除了其隐私政策,以解决我下文中所关注的问题。Among other things, Unvarnished has now cleaned up its privacy policy to address many of the concerns I mention below.

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店堂里间光线暗淡,有一只灯泡从天花上吊下来,地面上放着几张没有漆过的木头桌子。At the back of the shop, dim but for a single lamp hanging from the ceiling, there were a few unvarnished wooden tables.

东向观海没有强烈日照的影响,海和天均呈现出最质朴的原色。There is not strong sunlight to impact on the eastward seaview. The sea and the sky show their unvarnished primitive colors.

碰到这样的问题必须要将站点恢复原样,去掉多余链接修改网站框架结构。Encounter such problem to must want to restore the site unvarnished , redundant link revises take out website frame structure.