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现在它繁荣了。Now it's flourishing.

你是顺利的还是被卡住的?Are you flourishing or are you stuck?

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人畜两旺。Both men and livestock are flourishing.

你给我的那些植物长得茂盛。Those plants you gave me are flourishing.

倾城的日光、抵不过繁华一场。The daylight, but arrived in flourishing a.

她的电影生涯像花一样绚烂。Her movie career is flourishing like a flower.

这个神示殿在公元前332年依然很兴旺。This oracle was still flourishing in 332 B. C.

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人参代用品的买卖很兴隆。There is a flourishing trade in ersatz ginseng.

根深叶茂快成才。Be deep rooted , flourishing and growing quickly.

在世界的大部分地方,大众传媒正蓬勃发展。In much of the world, the mass media are flourishing.

奈何桥上的花,见证谁和谁的两世繁华。What flowers, witness who and who the two flourishing.

挖造水池,用以浇灌嫩小的树木。I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees.

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值此佳节之际,恭祝事业蒸蒸日上。At this festive occasion, wish business was flourishing.

商贸的成功是繁荣文化的一种投入。Commercial success is an input into flourishing culture.

酸蒸汽涌进兴旺的面粉厂。The sour vapour pours into the flourishing flour factory.

军队挥舞着剑和毛瑟枪,发起了进攻。Flourishing their swords and muskets, the troops attacked.

市场经济条件下,中华牌文化再次兴旺发达。Market economy, Chinese culture card once again flourishing.

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预祝工程塑料工业蓬勃发展!Wish engineering plastic industry a flourishing development!

祝愿各位同仁财源茂盛、生意兴隆!Wish my colleagues flourishing wealth and a booming business!

他挥舞着一封投诉信冲进了办公室。He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of complaint.