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我再不会被那种招数骗倒了。I won't fall for that gag again.

Gag也是HIV-1病毒的成分。Gag is also a component of HIV-1.

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它将限制任何反对或批评。It will gag any opposition or criticism.

小丑插科打诨逗得观众大笑。The clown panicked the audience with a gag.

而这就是让你呕吐时感到恶心的地方。This is the nasty point where you gag yourself.

作为恶作剧礼物,我送给他一盘UB40乐队的CD。As a gag gift, I gave her a CD by the band UB40.

每一次插科打诨都引来一阵开怀大笑。Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh.

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有些东西就连秃鹰吃了也会噎着。There are some things that would gag even a vulture.

这只软胶口塞看上去好像很好吃一样!This jelly ball gag looks almost good enough to eat!

无法吞咽造成的损失咽反射。B. Inability to swallow caused by loss of the gag reflex.

他们捆住他的手脚。在他嘴里放了一个张口器。They bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth.

刺激咽喉后面的软腭会诱发呕吐反射。Your gag reflex is a soft palate in the back of your throat.

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我会用烟斗点火。-这个杂耍会把他点着!I'll lights the fire with me pipe! -This gag will burn him up!

把室友的闹钟调回来一小时是一个普通的把戏。Setting a roommate's alarm clock back an hour is a common gag.

她的一位朋友给准新娘一些避孕套,作为恶作剧的礼物。A friend of hers gave the bride-to-be some condoms as a gag gift.

他在朋友的椅子上,放置会出怪声的垫子,作为恶作剧的礼物。Mr. Wang put a whoopee cushion in his friend's chair as a gag gift.

夜盗们捆住了他的手脚,并用东西塞住他的嘴。The burglars bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth.

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这个世界大可不必担心剃光头的女孩是诱人的祸水啦。The world doesn’t need another gag about a girl with come in her hair.

不过不要担心,吞下了整支剑不会破坏你的呕吐反射。But don’t worry, swallowing a sword whole won’t destroy your gag reflex.

事实上该蛋白位于含有自噬蛋白LC3的复合物中。Gag in fact localized to complexes containing an autophagy protein, LC3.