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但是没有战胜门柱!Although he is over the goalpost.

足球击中球门柱弹了出去。The football bounced off the goalpost.

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足球击中球门门柱弹了出去。The football bounced off the goalpost.

我曾经把我的弟弟当球门柱用过。I used to use my brother as a goalpost.

她的射门呼啸着越过球门柱。Her shot went whistling past the goalpost.

汤姆把足球踢过了球门柱。Tom booted the football over the goalpost.

就算门柱偏了哪怕是那么一点点。If the goalpost is tilted just a little bit.

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球从门柱弹回,欧文头球将球攻进。The ball rebounded from the goalpost and Owen headed it in.

他的射门击中了门柱,全场观众一片叹声。His shot hit into the goalpost , and all the audience sighed.

我那时侯将弟弟放在童车里,然后就把那童车当成了球门柱——他都被我的球击中过几次。I would put him in the pram and use the pram as a goalpost – he did get hit a few times.

如果他们没有意识到,就礼貌的指出体育馆的灯光,要求他们把等装在反方向球门柱的上。If they don’t, politely point out the stadium light and request it be turned toward the opposite goalpost.