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看那晴朗无云的天空!Look at this cloudless sky!

郎弗罗是无云的明月。Longfellow a cloudless moon.

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那是个无风少云的日子。It was a calm, cloudless day.

那是个无风无云的天气。It was a calm and cloudless day.

在那没有云朵没有星星的天空中。Of cloudless clime and starless sky.

东方发白,晴空万里无云。The day dawned with a cloudless sky.

太阳在无云的天空中明亮地照耀着。The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.

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或者,我们只该仰脸盯着空阔的天。Or, we may just stare at the cloudless sky.

已是秋天了,天空晴朗,万里无云,夏热已逝,秋风送爽。It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless.

秋天,已是秋天了,天空晴朗,万里无云,夏热已逝,秋风送爽。It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless.

你曾看到过万里无云的天空吗?Have you ever seen a perfectly cloudless sky?

晨曦和万里无云的天空The sun and the cloudless sky in the morning.

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但是抬头看,天上晴空万里。But when he'd looked up the sky was cloudless.

青岛的天气常常是阳光明媚,万里无云。The weather here is usually sunny and cloudless.

曾经头顶的天空是明澈无云的蔚蓝。Once the sky above had been a shimmering, cloudless blue.

今天早上的阳光猛烈,蓝天万里无云。The sun was hot this morning, the sky blue and cloudless.

这是夏末一个万里无云的晴朗的星期日。It was a beautiful, cloudless sunny day at the end of summer.

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此夜寂静无云,但一切仍在混沌之中。It was a calm and cloudless night but it was all still a blur.

澄净的天空中,一群白鸽展翅飞翔。A group of white pigeons spread their wings in the cloudless sky.

印第安纳州沃巴什县晴空万里的蓝天上,太阳光芒四射地照耀着。The sun shone brightly in the cloudless blue Wabash, Indiana, sky.