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他爱说笑话。He made a joke.

一句笑话,他就生气了。A joke nettled him.

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名气是一个大笑话。Fame is a big joke.

这不过是一句玩笑话。That's just a joke.

那只不过是句玩笑话。That's only a joke.

复述一个搞笑的笑话。Retell a funny joke.

那笑话是我笑破肚皮。That joke killed me.

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发一封傻傻的笑话邮件。E-mail a stupid joke.

他经不起开玩笑。He can't take a joke.

你连小玩笑也无法接受?Can't you take a joke?

他说这话是开玩笑的。He said this as a joke.

不要怕闹笑话。Do not afraid make joke.

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他听了这个笑话嗤嗤地笑了起来。He tittered at the joke.

我想他爱说笑话。I think he likes to joke.

那是个令人捧腹的笑话。That is a hilarious joke.

这笑话会让你笑死的。The joke will murder you.

你的笑话真是笑死人。Your joke nearly kill me.

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这本是当作一个笑话的。It was intended as a joke.

这差不多就是个大笑话。It was kind of a big joke.

这是哪门子的玩笑?What kind of joke is this?