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写意出一首首寂寞的歌。Freehand out a lonely song.

掌握徒手绘图的技巧。Master skills of freehand drawing.

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哇!你就用手来倒啊,不用勺子么?Wow! You pour it freehand?No spoon?

林学明画的是抽象写意绘画。Sherman Lin is fond of freehand abstract paintings.

对琴槌的调整不应象过去那样徒手操作。Work on the hammers should not be performed freehand as it were.

写意创作是自然的石块和良好的表面。Freehand creations are good for stones and natural looking surfaces.

因为在凸起的肚子上用模板不现实,所以他用手画。Because stencils are impractical on bulgingbellies, he works freehand.

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体育课上,老师教了我们一套徒手操。The teacher taught us a freehand drill in the physical education class.

也可以在墙上进行手绘或印上简单的图形花样等。Walls can be decorated by freehand or stenciled, simple motifs or designs.

开启非美术类学生通往手绘创作之门。And all these lead to opening the door for non-art students freehand creation.

徐渭的泼墨写意花鸟画,别开生面自成一家。Xu Wei's"freehand ink"painting techniques for the bird, spectacular dreams of.

徐渭运用泼墨写意法,具有鲜明的主体性和个性化。Xu Wei's use of ink freehand method, with distinct and individual subjectivity.

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学习如何绘制在这个自由录像艺术课手绘卡通圣诞老人的武器。Learn how to draw a freehand cartoon Santa's arms in this free video art lesson.

众所周知,写意画分为大写意和小写意。As we all know, freehand drawing is divided into large and small freehand freehand.

在写意和计算机图形经验至关重要,能够与颜色。Experience in freehand and computer graphics essential and able to work with colors.

刘大为是全能型画家,工笔重彩和水墨写意兼精。Liu Dawei is a versatile artists, re-color and fine brushwork and freehand fine ink.

第三部分分析了意笔人物画色彩的发展现状。The third part has analyzed the Freehand Figure Painting's color development situation.

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擅长写意、工笔人物,重生活,重传统,善创新。Good at freehand brushwork, meticulous person, re-living, heavy traditional, good innovation.

第二部分论述了中国意笔人物画走向现代化的演变历程。The second section expounds the process of Chinese freehand figure painting to modernization.

或者你想为我们创造了许多有趣的矢量插图批次?Are you good at VECTOR illustration and enjoy working in Illustrator, Freehand or Corel Draw ?