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坡摩那学院正在筹备一场纪念哀悼会。A memorial service is planned at Pomona College.

其中之一就是被称为珀莫拉节的节日。One of these was the festival known as Pomona Day.

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在爱护花草培植水果方面没有人能比得上波摩娜。No one excelled Pomona in love of the garden and the culture of fruit.

这些节日常尊神的水果,如罗马的珀莫拉。These festivals often honored gods of fruits, such as the Roman Pomona.

这种冰淇淋起源于加州的波莫纳,以纯手工制作著称。Originate from Pomona in California, this band is famous for its handmade.

在2002年,他被命名为首位罗伊.E.迪斯尼教授,在坡摩那学院教授创作。In 2002 he was named the first Roy E. Disney professor of creative writing at Pomona College.

两人在位于加州洛杉矶外的母校波莫纳学院相遇。The couple originally met at their alma mater, Pomona College outside Los Angeles, California.

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在波莫纳,奥巴马对工人的简短讲话集中在政府为减轻对石油的依赖所做出的努力。At Pomona , Obama's brief speech to workers on the Government to reduce the dependence on oil's efforts.

“毋庸置疑,大卫是美国伟大的作家。”波莫纳学院的院长如是说。"David was, of course, a great figure in American letters, " Gary Kates, dean of Pomona College, said in a statement.

他在波莫纳学院学习,然后在奥蒂斯艺术研究所和普鲁厄特·卡特下的从事艺术工作。He attended Pomona College, then studied art at the Otis Art Institute and illustration under Pruett Carter at Chouinard.

果树女神的象征是苹果,这也许能很好地解释为什么现在的万圣节,人们要举行咬苹果活动。The symbol of Pomona is the apple, which might explain the origin of our modern tradition of bobbing for apples on Halloween.

波莫纳新闻界重新发布在负担得起的,高质量的这些经典作品的现代版,使用原来的文字和插图。Pomona Press are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.

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英文版将于今年11月8日发行,该书英文版是余华和波莫纳大学的阿兰•巴尔合作的成果。It is due out November 8th in an English language edition—the product of a collaborative effort between Yu Hua and Pomona College’s Allan Barr.

去问波莫纳学院负责职业发展的主管卡尔·马特里诺,他就会告诉你,对一个专业而言,重在热情而非就业安置。Ask Carl Martellino, director of career development at Pomona College, and he'll tell you that a major should be more about passion than job placement.

拉文大学,波莫纳大学,克莱蒙学院都在这家酒店的5分钟,加州州立聚州立大学也在附近。LaVerne University, Pomona University, and Claremont Colleges are all within 5 minutes of this hotel, and Cal State Poly State University is also nearby.

这两家互助储蓄银行分别是位于纽波特比齐市的唐尼储蓄贷款协会和波莫纳市的PFF银行信托公司。The two mutual savings banks are located at more than Aceh of Newport Downey savings and loan associations and the city of Pomona PFF Bank Trust Company.

大卫.福斯特.华莱士从小在伊利诺斯州的香槟长大,他在马萨诸塞州的阿默斯特学院学习哲学和英语,他后来在伊利诺斯州立大学讲授创新性写作,后来,他又在加州的帕玛纳学院任教。He studied philosophy and English at Amherst College in Massachusetts. He later taught creative writing at Illinois State University, then at Pomona College in California.

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同时,他还从母校佛罗里达大学获得公共服务的荣誉博士学位,同时也是波莫纳学院以及新东南大学的荣誉博士。He is the recipient of an honorary doctorate of public service from his alma mater, the University of Florida, and honorary doctorates from Pomona College and Nova Southeastern University.

米勒娃有两年和波莫纳斯普劳特共校,后者之后成了赫奇伯奇的院长,在以后的岁月中,两位女性之间保持极好的关系。Minerva's school career overlapped by two years with that of Pomona Sprout, later Head of Hufflepuff House, and the two women enjoyed an excellent relationship both then, and in later years.