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的父母私奔夫妇试图取消婚姻。The parents of the eloped couple tried to annul the marriage.

对于任何人的法律,没有誓言,可以取消诫命和法令的上帝。For no man's law, no vow, can annul the commandment and ordinance of God.

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两国建立了年度高层防务对话机制,迄已成功举行三轮对话,并将在今年迎来第四轮对话。Two countries have established annul defense security dialogue mechanism.

他是否完全打算遵守这个命令,亲手废止,契约的应许?Does he fully intend to obey this command, to annul the covenantal promise with his own hand?

有权改变或者撤销本级人民代表大会常务委员会不适当的决定。They have the power to alter or annul inappropriate decisions of their own standing committees.

我们相恋成婚,可是婚后三个月,她公布揭晓想打消这场婚姻。We fell in love and wed, but three months later, she announced her intention to annul the marriage.

这位国际民事代表有权为维护科索沃问题的解决而废除法律或撤销公职官员。The ICR would have the authority to annul laws or dismiss public officials to uphold the Kosovo settlement.

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他说,无论是政府还是人民都不会向反对派投降,无论付出什么代价,都不会将选举结果作废。He said that neither the system nor the people would give in to pressure to annul the election whatever the price.

一对英国夫妇在发现他们竟然是双胞胎兄妹后被迫离异。British couple have been forced to annul their marriage by the High Court- after they found out that they were twins.

通过分析对比,我们才会在对待人民陪审制的存废问题上更富理性。After the analysis and comparison can we be more rational to the question whether we'd keep or annul the people's jury system.

如果你是新婚的新郎,你在新婚夜发现你的新娘有口臭你可以解除婚约。If you were a newlywed groom, you could annul a marriage if on your wedding night you discovered that your wife has bad breath.

废除一切束缚人民爱国运动的旧法令,颁布革命的新法令。Annul all old laws and decrees which restrict the people's patriotic movements and promulgate new, revolutionary laws and decrees.

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结果从分析的结果来看,在青蒿中共鉴定出24个化合物,黄花蒿中鉴定出28个化合物。Results 24 and 28 compounds of volatile oils from Artemisia apiacea Hance and Artemisia annul L. were identified by GC-MS, respectively.

不过,话又说回来,我曾经告诉过你们,奴隶社会是长不了的,因为就其本性而言,这样的社会必须消灭发展规律。But to return.I have shown that no society of slaves can endure, because, in its very nature, such society must annul the law of development.

创建于1996年的红牛维他命饮料有限公司,在北京和海南分别设立了“红牛”生产基地,年生产能力达五亿罐。Red Bull started in 1996 and it now has two manufacture bases in Beijing and Hainan province with a total annul capacity of 500 million cans.

在原有螺杆式、卷扬式和液压式启闭机的基础上,设计研制了齿销式启闭机。On the basis of original screw type, winding type and hydraulic type Headstock, a kind of dentate annul headstock is designed and manufactured.

周六,哈梅内伊认同了选举结果,击碎了反对派对于他下令重新计票或干脆宣布结果无效的希望。Khamenei endorsed the election result on Saturday, dashing opposition hopes that he might be persuaded to order a recount or even annul the outcome.

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应邀去开封出席全国职业教育年会。接连数日在黄河边作油画写生。When he attended the annul meeting of national vocational education in Kaifeng, he continued sketching on the bank of yellow river for several days.

我是这么说,神预先所立的约,不能被430年后的律法废掉,叫应许归于虚空。My point is this, the law which came four hundred thirty years later, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God so as to nullify the promise.

昨天基地领导人本.拉登在录音里说与基督教徒和犹太人结盟的穆斯林们要放弃信仰。Following his recording yesterday, Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaida leader, to told Muslims that alliances with Christians and Jews would annul their faith.