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他们谈论现代主义。They talked about modernism.

寓言如何在库尔贝的现代主义中起作用?How does allegory function in Courbet's Modernism?

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一簇野花具有深刻的现代主义内涵。A tuft of flowers have deep modernism connotations.

穆旦是中国最杰出的现代主义诗人。Mu Dan is China' most remarkable poet of modernism.

那当然是一种厌恶老派现代的选择。That's certainly an alternative to boring old modernism.

现代主义是从固定角度来看是直立的。And modernism is all about verticality,from a certain angle.

现代的建筑风格式20年代一些建筑学家首创的。Modernism was invented in the 1920s by a group of architects.

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现代主义为一种全新的文化奠定了基础。Modernism provided the foundations for a genuinely new culture.

毫无疑问,现代主义有其声名显赫的的智慧祖先。To be sure, modernism had its illustrious intellectual ancestry.

在中国新诗史上,“现代派”是营造意象的高手。In chinese free-style verse modernism is adroit at creating images.

“新写实主义”是现实主义和现代主义的第二次交叉。"New Realism Novels"mark the second cross of modernism and realism.

中国现代主义文学的边缘宿命在当时已经初见端倪。China's modernism predestination already saw the clues at that time.

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川端康成是日本文学现代派的开山祖师之一。Kawabata is one of the pioneers of modernism in Japanese literature.

现代主义艺术表现为即兴、兼收并蓄、不屑虔敬。Modernism in the arts was improvisational, eclectic, and irreverent.

他正迫使政府推崇一种现代主义。He was forcing the State to enthrone a particular brand of modernism.

新现代主义风格的背带、窄领带、纤细线条和紧身款式。Belts, narrow ties, slim lines and tight patterns of new modernism style.

现代主义采用的语言是荒诞、寓意和抽象的。The languages that Modernism adopts are absurd, implied and abstract one.

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因此,一个多世纪来,现代主义被视为通向现代化的唯一途径。For over a century, modernism was seen as the only route to modernization.

先锋性困苦是现代主义文学一个突出的表现。The Sufferings of AvantGarde Nature is a prominent expression in modernism.

要赏析高度现代主义时期的格律诗,只能依赖篇幅冗长的注脚。The poems of the canonical poets of high modernism require heavy footnotes.