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他打了那个攻击者一耳光。He struck his attacker on the ear.

他用膝盖猛撞攻击者的下身。He kneed his attacker in the groin.

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他打了那个攻击者一耳刮子。He struck hellos attacker on the ear.

谢莉用膝盖去撞攻击者的下身。Shelly kneed her attacker in the groin.

他一拳就打昏了袭击他的人。With one blow he laid his attacker out.

她认出那个男忍就是袭击过听蹬人。She identified that the man was attacker.

你只是想刚好截击到入侵者You just want to match with the attacker.

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对手在我的大禁区内拿到球。An attacker got the ball in my 18 yard area.

他们加紧了新型攻击机的研制。They hastened the development of a new attacker.

这将允许黑客冒充受害者。It allows the attacker to impersonate the victim.

她才思敏捷足以避开别人的攻击。She was sharp-witted enough to dodge her attacker.

他把外衣扔到一边,去追逐袭击他的人。Flinging aside his coat,he chased after his attacker.

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通常,一个攻击者或抢劫犯只是想要你的钱。Often, an attacker or predator just wants your money.

这个勇士一记重拳打在雇员的嘴巴上。The brave colleague punched the attacker in the mouth.

这个勇士一记重拳打在受雇的嘴巴上。The brave colleague punched the attacker in the mawayh.

对攻击你的和没能保护你的人生气。Anger at your attacker or others for not protecting you.

保镖要有能力通过三拳两脚就能阻止袭击者”,北京VSS保安咨询公司总裁迈克尔-翟说。Bodyguards can use one or two blows to stop an attacker.

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那个妇人手持剪刀向攻击者刺去。The woman stabbed at her attacker with a pair of scissors.

我跑到树丛后面,把那个坏蛋从女人身上扯下来。I ran behind the bushes and pulled the attacker of the woman.

歹徒在行凶过程中用的是一把菜刀。It said the attacker used a vegetable knife in the slashings.