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MMO游戏非常流行。MMO gaming is hugely popular.

这里有成排的赌桌。There are rows of gaming tables.

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但是苹果,现在在游戏领域是一个失败者。But Apple, doing gaming now is a loser.

亚麻远离火苗,青年阔别赌博。Keep flax from fire, youth from gaming.

今年,游戏变得移动化,社会化。This year, gaming became mobile and social.

麦考出现了很多关于网络游戏交谈。B. T. Much has been said about online gaming.

到底是何原因抑制了ipad的游戏市场呢?So what's holding back the iPad gaming market?

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那么针对女性的视频游戏的未来如何呢?So what is the future of gaming aimed at women?

博彩收益沉没和赌场人员下岗。Gaming revenues sank and casinos laid off staff.

另一方面是发烧级游戏机。The other is an enthusiast class gaming machine.

修正了一个联机游戏的决策性错误。Fixed a bug that was making problems on net gaming.

号塔是行动和益智游戏的最佳!Tiki Towers is action and puzzle gaming at its best!

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我们天生善感、善悟,我们喜欢游戏。We are emotional and understandable, we love gaming.

你曾否听过“负责任赌博计划”?。Have you ever heard of "responsible gaming programme"?

一名中国男子在三天三夜的游戏狂欢之后,死掉了。A man from China died after his three day gaming binge.

对于游戏界而言,这也许是新的盈利模式。There might just be a new revenue model for gaming here.

在屏幕之后,却是改进不少的游戏机。But behind that screen is a much-improved gaming machine.

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它在这里排第一,应该没有什么争议,这款游戏是任天堂开始起家时,做出来的产品。Any disputes here? This game from Nintendo started gaming.

这个游戏鼠标的前身从普通需求中脱颖而出。The granddaddy of all gaming mice is back by popular demand.

和布劳一样,芒斯特认为这项技术在游戏以外有着光明的前景。Like Blau, Munster sees a bright future for VR beyond gaming.