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你了解君。You know Jun.

告诉我杜军在哪里?Tell me where Du Jun is?

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我可以帮你找到杜军。I can help you find Du Jun.

我们现在是在老君岩。We're now at the Lao Jun Rock.

一心抱区区,惧君不识察。Hold a heart, fear not Jun cha.

“这还不容易?”朱军笑。" It is not easy?" Zhu Jun laugh.

君成熟稳重,浪漫多情。Jun was king, loving, and romantic.

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我们邀请张林和陈军一起去吧。Let's invite Zhang Lin and Chen Jun.

燕坐群魔伏,君心自晏然。Yan sit Demons V, Jun heart from Yanran.

但是诗人多薄命,就中沦落不过君。But the poet more lives, medium, but Jun.

在那里她遇到了一个不明来历的陌生人李军。There she meets a shadowy stranger Li Jun.

喜冰去追,却追到了海家君的军营前。Like ice to chase, but to the sea home jun.

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邓军对我们照顾得很好。Deng Jun has certainly looked after us well.

“十年磨一剑,今日把示君”。Grinding sword decades, the show- jun today.

李军没有兄弟姐妹。Li Jun doesn't have any brothers or sisters.

陈洪渊,中国科学院院士,南京大学教授。Jun Liu, Professor of Harvard University, US.

日俊知道是自己的错,求芷君原谅。Jung know is your own fault, zhi jun forgive.

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马军探讨太湖污染危机。Ma Jun on the pollution crisis in Taihu Lake.

董军,华东师范大学中国,中国。Jun Dong, East China Normal University, China.

人生能有几回搏,横扫千军就是我!Life can return to risk a few, swept Jun is me!