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了解注塑机,模具和挤压机方面的知识。Learning and understanding the quality about QMS and EHS.

满足要求和改进质量管理体系有效性的承诺。Improvement shall satisfy the commitment to improve the QMS.

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确保质量管理体系的适宜性、充分性和有效性。To ensure the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of QMS.

按质量保证体系要求做好生产人员的体检工作。Conduct physical examination of production workers as required by QMS.

意图是在质量管理体系和组织的绩效之间提供一个链接。The intent is to provide a linkage between the QMS and organization performance.

运用上述理论建立了质量管理体系的一种实用有效的模型。Based on the mentioned theories, a practical and effective model of QMS is established.

贯彻执行质量方针,确保所辖部门按质量保证体系要求作好各项工作。Follow the Quality Policy and ensure his subordinated departments meeting QMS requirements.

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把您的致辞与我们正在做的QMS联系起来并宣传这样做是如何影响顾客。Try to connect your message to the things we're doing in the QMS and how they affect our customers.

质量管理体系识别并区分资源使用的优先级以对风险进行管理,并实现效率的提高。QMS identifies and prioritizes the use of resources to manage risk and it should lead to gains in efficiency.

参与管理评审,对公司发展及质量保证体系的有效运行提出合理建议。Join the management review and propose suggestions FOR the development of company and the smooth running of QMS.

因此,改进质量管理体系来提高产品质量成为这些企业的当务之急。In a word, improving QMS and then enhancing product quality have turned into urgent affairs of these enterprises.

在评价打分的基础上,分析并整理出X公司质量管理体系存在的各种重要问题。This paper uses improved QMS evaluation system, which is used to audit suppliers by USI SZ, to evaluate X corporation's QMS.

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公司建立质量管理体系须采取实效性的方法,如有可能则在现有程序和行为中建立适当的实效性方法。Companies establishing a QMS need to take a pragmatic approach, building where possible on existing procedures and practices.

本文运用混合式数位学习的模式排除品质管理稽核员培训过程中的时间与空间限制。This paper has employed a modern hybrid e-learning model to address the time and location limitations in training QMS auditors.

熟悉企业管理、质量管理体系和产品认证程序,擅长办理与公司法相关的非诉业务。同时担任多家企业的法律顾问。He is familiar with Company management, QMS in ISO& QS and process for Application, and acting as the legal consultant for many companies.

2003年获北京中设质量体系论证中心ISO质量管理资格论证证书。In 2003, it acquired the certificate of ISO quality management qualification Authentication issued by Beijing Zhongshe QMS Authentication Center.

他们从一个组织走到了一个组织,逐渐积累各种范例,即质量管理体系应该如何实施、保持和改进方面的范例。They travel from organization to organization, gradually collecting paradigms about the way a QMS should be implemented, maintained and improved.

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然而,由于品质稽核的工作需要具备理念与实务的综合技能,这使得品质管理系统稽核员的能力不容易培育与养成。However, it is difficult for a QMS auditor to achieve the required competence, as the nature of their job demands both conceptual and practical skills.

每年一度的文件评审发现冗余,文件不再需要,和文件合并的机会,这将帮助你使质量管理体系文件集减量。An annual documentation review to spot redundancies , documents no longer needed, and opportunities to consolidate will help keep your QMS document set lean.

拥有国家QMS注册咨询师资格,并有较丰富的认证咨询工作咨询经验,应咨询企业有15家以上。C has a national QMS certified consultant qualification, and have rich certification advisory work experience, there are more than 15 should be consulting enterprises.