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没有停机坪延误,没有哭喊的婴孩儿。No tarmac delays, no screaming babies.

然后,这架飞机的停坐沥青碎石路面上一个小时了。Then, the plane sat on the tarmac for an hour.

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仙马没有柏油路,到达仙马时己是下午。Fairy horse horse, no tarmac when oneself is immortal.

旅客们被引导走过跑道去上飞机。The passengers were shepherded across the tarmac to the airliner.

布什下飞机后,在停机坪受到仪仗队的欢迎。After Bush deplaned, he was greeted by an honor guard on the tarmac.

高像长颈鹿,平像跑道。那里令你着迷?Tall like a giraffe, flat like a tarmac. Which part of her fascinates you?

然而因为燃料紧缺,许多飞机阻塞了停机坪。However because of fuel shortages, some aircraft are clogging up the tarmac.

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汇合后,我们又继续等了几个小时,期间,几个孩子还去飞机跑道路边小便。We waited some more, and some of the children had to get out and pee on the tarmac.

沿路的100多户人家就被困在一堆堆的碎柏油和乱泥里。About 100 families along G109 are now stranded on a road with piles of broken tarmac and mud.

几发火箭击中了机场的停机坪,战斗使开放机场设施的计划一再延宕。Several rockets hit the airport tarmac and the fighting delayed plans to re-open the facility.

我猜如果特朗普去了中国,不会有红地毯,他们会在停机坪上大吵起来。I guess there will be a big argument on the tarmac and no red carpet if Mr Trump goes to China.

一名抱着熊猫玩偶的记者则在成都机场报道上现场直播。A panda-doll-clutching reporter gave on-the-spot updates from the tarmac at the Chengdu airport.

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我朝车站外排队等候的出租车走去,留意避开脚下柏油路上形状可疑的坑坑洼洼,害怕那不要就是地雷。On the way to the taxi rank, I avoided every suspicious lump in the tarmac that might denote a mine.

很快,坐满了两架飞机的竞选工作人员和媒体记者组在麦克艾伦的飞机跑道上吃起了牛排。Soon there were two planes full of staff and a large press corps eating steak on the tarmac in McAllen.

我真想像教皇约翰.鲍尔二世做过的那样,来跪地亲吻柏油路面。I feel like getting down on my hands and knees, like Pope John Paul II used to do, and kissing the tarmac.

我畏缩了当我观看了一运动鞋抓住相反腿的后面和送他懒散柏油碎石地面。I winced as I watched one sneaker catch the back of the opposite leg and send him sprawling onto the tarmac.

他由两名士兵护送着从机场出来,然后这两个士兵在去往停机坪的楼梯间枪杀了他。He was escorted from his airplane by two soldiers, who gunned him down on a side stairway leading to the tarmac.

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这一安排“证明要比开着跑车奔驰数百英里过去更省”。The arrangement "works out to be cheaper than driving the Bugatti several hundred miles to reach the dream Tarmac.

本次大赛中,所有运动员需要跑过农场,穿过人行道,大荒地和柏油马路,因此吸引了大量的观众。The race takes competitors through farm tracks, footpaths, open moorland and tarmac and attracts thousands of spectators.

博斯沃斯在机场回避了媒体采访,从旁门直接乘坐停机坪上的美国驻韩使馆车辆离去。Bosworth did not speak to reporters at the airport, slipping out a side door and into an embassy car waiting on the tarmac.