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我来早了。I’m early.

尽早完成。Do it early.

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早早开始,一日之计在于晨。Start early.

那可真早。That's early.

早作准备。Prepare early.

早睡早起。Wake up early.

早期采用者。Early Adopters.

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我醒得早。I wakened early.

雾一早散了。Fog lifted early.

去年初保存。Go to save early.

莫说时间尚早。Don't say it's early.

开初我讨厌如许。Early on, I hated it.

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我们很早吃早餐。We breakfasted early.

你起得真早啊!You're an early bird!

而且,我们将趁早动手。And we’ll do it early.

因此要早诱食。So early to lure food.

那就早点动手吧。Do it early in the day.

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万籁寂静,一切还早。It's quiet. It's early.

天还早着呢。It's still quite early.

现在决定为时过早。It's too early to tell.