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赤壁是他的乐园。Chibi is his paradise.

“天堂与妖精”。Paradise and the peri.

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家园,世界的乐园。Home, the world's paradise.

他们住的地方是天堂Where they live is paradise.

它就像地球上的天堂。It is like paradise on earth.

所以那里成为了一个小天堂。So there's a little paradise.

他们被迫离开了天堂。They’re exiles from paradise.

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一直饮着天堂的琼浆仙乳。And drunk the milk of Paradise.

一个是阆苑仙葩。One was a flower from paradise.

澎湖漂亮吗?澎湖是天堂。Is Penghu pretty?It is paradise.

天堂鸟生活在什么地方?Where do birds of paradise live?

但是,在这样的天堂里也有烦心事。But there is trouble in paradise.

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啊!荒野也就变成了天堂。Ah, wilderness were paradise enow!

荒原呀,啊,便是天堂!Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!

那里被称为人间天堂。It is known as a paradise on earth.

基茨比厄尔是滑雪者的乐园。Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.

神奇的福佑从不光临天堂Strange blessings never in Paradise

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阿尔加维是高尔夫球手的天堂。The Algarve is a golfer's paradise.

来西安吧这里才是你的天堂。To Xi'an, it is your paradise here.

快乐生活区提供礼品设计的新点子。Joy offers a paradise of gift ideas.