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镇压叛乱的最大经验教训是什么?What is the central lesson of counterinsurgency?

我们被告知,任何反叛乱运动都需要长期的承诺。Any counterinsurgency campaign, we’re told, requires a very long commitment.

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对于平叛行动来上,今年夏天会是一个关键时期。As for the counterinsurgency campaign—this summer is going to be a critical period.

而我们在阿富汗的平叛运动的真正着眼点是赢得民心。Our counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan is really focused on winning the people.

巴基斯坦的行动和其它的反暴乱努力一样,都包含军事行动的内容。And for Pakistan, not unlike other counterinsurgency efforts, there is a military piece of this.

所以,镇压叛乱从美国民众和军事院校的课程表中删除了。As a result, counterinsurgency was eliminated from the curriculum of American staff and war colleges.

在每个国家中,叛乱与反叛乱的战争都造成众多伤亡和大批人流离失所。In each case, insurgency and counterinsurgency caused huge loss of life and large-scale displacement.

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我们新近进行的另外一项研究对把借助增加短期就业机会进行反叛乱的策略深表怀疑。Another study we recently completed casts doubt on short-term job creation as a counterinsurgency tactic.

当然,眼下正在讨论的增派美国部队是为了在阿敷衍进行反叛乱任务。The larger use of U.S. military force now under discussion is, of course, the counterinsurgency in Afghanistan.

在伊拉克服役之后,2005-2006年间,纳格协助彼得乌斯将军写了陆军反恐作战指南。After serving in Iraq, Nagl helped General Petraeus write the Army’s counterinsurgency doctrine in 2005 and 2006.

追寻和扩大反叛乱活动并不能减少恐怖袭击对美国本土造成的威胁。Pursuing and expanding that counterinsurgency would not reduce the threat of terrorist attack to the U.S. homeland.

你认为在反恐中取得这么大的胜利对于继续阿富汗的平叛有什么意义?What do you think of continuing a counterinsurgency operation with the big success of counterterrorism at this point?

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他最为人们记忆的成就,是改变了美军在冷战时期以后执行对抗叛乱的策略。He is best remembered for changing the way U. S. forces deal with counterinsurgency conflicts in the post-Cold War era.

对于美军指挥官斯坦利将军把这支医疗小组作为打击反叛武装的一部分,其潜在力量没有人会否认。No one would disagree that the teams have potential as part of Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal’s counterinsurgency campaign.

这种关系并不意味着美国的镇压叛乱策略一定会在阿富汗盛行。This correlation does not mean that even the best U.S. counterinsurgency strategy will necessarily prevail in Afghanistan.

同样,越战告诉一代美国领导者要小心被拖入镇压叛乱的战争。Similarly, the Vietnam War did teach a generation of U.S. leaders to be wary of getting dragged into counterinsurgency wars.

对巴基斯坦来说,与其他镇压叛乱的活动没有不同,这是军事方面的一部分。And for Pakistan, not unlike other counterinsurgency efforts, there is a military piece of this. There is a clear piece of this.

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至于伊拉克,在摸索了三年之后,最后美国已经找到了一个反游击战的获胜策略。As for Iraq itself, after three years of disorientation, theUnited States has finally found a winning counterinsurgency strategy.

骆平答应配合贾小枪行动,但根据齐铁匠的招供,众人知道骆平叛变。LuoPing promised to cooperate with jia small gun action, but according to qi, the blacksmiths confession, and they know Locke counterinsurgency.

我选择支持这项通过增加部队镇压叛乱的战略,自从2003年我第一次去伊拉克,我就鼓吹这项战略。I chose to support the new counterinsurgency strategy backed by additional troops, which I had advocated since 2003, after my first trip to Iraq.