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这真是时间和精力的浪费,徒劳无益。Such an unproductive waste of time and energy.

直接为消费者服务的工作和劳动是“无生产力”的。Labor in direct service to consumers is "unproductive."

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这个国家有四分之一被认为是不毛之地。One-quarter of the country is reckoned as unproductive.

它能阻挡你的员工从时间的浪费和非生产性冲浪。It blocks your employees from time-wasting and unproductive surfing.

属于购买性支出和非生产性支出。It belongs to the purchasing expenditure and unproductive expenditure.

你不用担心,担心是人类所有活动中最为徒劳无益。Thou shalt not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities.

和中国讨论外商保护永远是徒劳的。Discussions with China over the protection of foreign business will remain unproductive.

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使明尼苏达印第安人改宗的早期传教士的努力多半没有结果。The efforts of early missionaries to proselyte Minnesota Indians were largely unproductive.

贫瘠地,不毛之地一块贫瘠的土地,通常树木低矮。常用复数。A tract of unproductive land, often with a scrubby growth of trees. Often used In the plural.

如果你沮丧,可能是因为你用非生产性、赋权策略。If you're frustrated it's probably because you're using unproductive , unempowered strategies.

当我一分钟查看16次邮箱时,工作效率会极其低下,或许就是这个原因。This may explain why I'm so unproductive at work as I check my e-mail about 16 times a minute.

那时,多数人认为社会化网络浪费了时间,降低了效率。Back then, social networking was more often viewed as a time-wasting and unproductive activity.

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闲谈,不必要的电话,突然打来的电话和其他没有效率的事情。Social chatters, unnecessary phone calls, drop-in callers and generally unproductive activities.

穿保护衣服,厚的手套,安全的防护眼镜。Wore protective clothing, thick gloves, safety glasses, Keep unproductive personal at a distance.

我猜你一定希望治愈咳嗽,所以在咳嗽是损害性和徒然的时候,这就派上用场了。I assume you want to stop coughing, so this is for use when coughing is damaging and unproductive.

如果的确曾有那么一个书签真的减少了你的无用功,那么它就是那定时器。If there was ever a bookmark that actually reduced your unproductive nature, it is Tick Tock Timer.

人皆知,今世有万事,以有为最重,无为即懒惰、即消沉,即无价值也。I know, in our society action is all-important — inaction is seen as lazy and passive and unproductive.

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事实上,工作时间或难以超越这一点不仅是徒劳的,它的反作用。In fact, working longer or harder beyond that point is not only unproductive , it's counter-productive.

在你的工作与生活中留出空闲时间,以便承受这个阶段看似没有收益性质的阶段。Create space in your work-life so that you can tolerate the seemingly unproductive nature of this phase.

然而成年人中大多数人口依旧生活在贫困中,耕种无望产出的农田。The bulk of the adult population still farms tiny plots of hopelessly unproductive land in grinding poverty.