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回味佳,并无讨厌的糖分影响。Finishes crisply without any cloying residual sugar.

这些东西很快就变得倒胃口,令人心神不宁。These constructs soon become cloying and distracting.

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直升飞机在上空盘旋,空气中弥漫着甜得发腻的怪味。Helicopters circle overhead and the air has a strange cloying smell.

她批评这部影片如她所说的令人倒胃口的伤感情调。She criticized what she described as the film's cloying sentimentality.

饰演琴子的未来穗香演技娴熟,16岁的她知道如何卖萌且不令人生厌。The 16-year-old really knows how to keep her cuteness from being cloying.

以深红和金为主色调的屋子里屋顶上挂满了盘香,盘香的味道充斥了整个庙宇。Coils of incense hung from the roof fill the crimson and goldrooms with a cloying smoke.

我能做的只是苦口婆心地教育孩子们从我的错误中吸取教训。Here is where I beg, in cloying tones, that we teach the children to learn from these mistakes.

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有着丰富而又与众不同的新鲜草莓和成熟樱桃的香味,但是又没有一般桃红酒的腻人的甜。Abundant and distinctive flavors of fresh strawberries and ripe cherries without the cloying sweetness of an average rose wine.

有着丰富而又与众不同的新鲜草莓和成熟樱桃的香味,但是又没有一般桃红酒的腻人的甜。酸甜适中。Abundant and distinctive flavours of fresh strawberries and ripe cherries without the cloying sweetness of an average rose wine.

拜访者们都会没有疑问的想留在这“光”中,因为与这能量相比,地球的能量是“沉重”和“腻味”的。Is it no wonder that visitors want to remain in the Light, as by comparison they realize how the Earth energies are heavy and cloying.

口感受到葡萄酒成份的影响,如酸度可能会产生尖锐的感觉,酒精可能会产生热辣的感觉,单宁可能会产生粗糙的感觉以及糖可能会产生浓稠或反胃的感觉。Mouthfeel is influenced by wine components, as acidity can be sharp, alcohol can be hot, tannin can be rough and sugar can be thick or cloying.

到了夜里,海风不再吹向内陆的方向,瑞昂莱潘的味道变得像北非一般令人晕眩,混杂着柴油、尘土、食用油和甜得发腻的花香。At night, when the sea breeze isn't blowing inland, Juan-les-Pins smells faintly like North Africa, a combination of diesel, dust, cooking oil and cloying flowers.