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我该怎样编写可性能调优的软件呢?How do I make software tunable?

在这个目录中,有许多可调的设置。Inside this directory are many tunable settings.

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介绍了一种全光纤波长可调谐环路反射镜。An all fiber wavelength tunable loop mirror is demonstrated.

紫翠宝石激光器是迄今为止较好的固体可调谐激光器之一。Alexandrite laser is one of the superior tunable solid-lasers.

激发源为闪光灯泵可调谐若丹明染科雷射器。The excitation source was a flashlamp pumped rhodamine tunable dye laser.

换句话说,输出的超短脉冲串有一个可调的占空比。In other words, the output ultra-short pulse train has a tunable duty cycle.

用脉冲可调谐染料激光共振激励火焰中的钠原子。Sodium atoms in flame can be resonantly excited by pulsed tunable dye laser.

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该积分器的时间常数由参考偏置电流控制。The integrator time constant is tunable by varying a reference bias current.

第一台全固化可调谐激光系统已研制成功。The first all-solid state tunable laser system has been developed successfully.

论证了应用光学参量振荡技术实现可调谐RGB激光光源的可行性方案。The method of obtaining tunable RGB lasers with OPO technology is demonstrated.

认可机构应为每个,以便它可以在不同的阶段,应用车可调。AI should be tunable for every car so that it can be applied on different stages.

灵敏度可以通过合理地调解多层膜的厚度来控制。Sensitivity of the sensor is tunable by controlling the number of attached bilayer.

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随着红外宽带光参量振荡器的不断发展,它的应用也越来越广泛。With the development of infrared tunable OPO, its application is more and more wide.

滑坡监测系统最终选择光纤F-P可调滤波器解调法。F-P tunable filter demodulation system is choosed by FBG landslide monitoring system.

在现实中,中国的科学家们已经研究出一种类似的站台,“可调电磁入口”。In reality, Chinese researchers are closing in on a "tunable electromagnetic gateway.

这定义了调用服务的方式、频率以及其他可调试参数等等。This defines how the service is called, how often, and other tunable parameters, etc.

所得结果对红外可调谐参量振荡器的技术设计提供了理论依据。The results provide some theoretical references for optimized design of infrared tunable OPO.

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最后报道了器件作为可调光分束器或光开关的研究实例。In the end, an experimental study on an acoustooptic tunable splitter or a switch is reported.

提出一种可调谐光瞳滤波器来实现光学系统的轴向焦移及扩展焦深。A tunable pupil filter for modulation of axial focal shift and extended focal depth is proposed.

该系统通过可调谐光纤F-P滤波器的连续扫描实现波长信号的解调。An optical fiber Fabry-Perot tunable filter is used in the system to demodulate the sensing signal.