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献血是我们的义务。To donate is our duty.

给学校捐书。Donate books to schools.

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捐钱给慈善机构。Donate money to charity.

捐出几件旧衣服。Donate some old clothes.

向慈善机构捐献食物。Donate food to a charity.

我为什么应该献血?Why should I donate blood?

我捐血会有帮助吗?Does it help if I donate blood?

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“赕”就是指赠送和奉献的意思。"Dan" means to offer or donate.

我不愿意捐出任何金钱。A- I am not willing to donate any.

献血是每个人的义务。It's all our duty to donate blood.

所以,他们就想多捐一点款。但谁知道呢?they want to donate more. Who knows?

山是这镇的主要风光。Mountains donate the town's landscape.

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请捐助世界卫生组织饮用水项目。Please donate WHO drinking water projet.

假如那件衣服你再也穿不了了,捐了它。If you no longer fit an item , donate it.

我们捐点钱给老李好吗?Shall we donate a little money to Lao Li?

有些人给亲属捐赠,So some people donate to their relatives,

向“小红车”基金会捐款Donate to the Little Red Wagon Foundation.

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你会捐钱给这些组织。You'll donate money to such organizations.

在周末或月底的时候,把整个盒子捐出去。At the end of each week or month, donate it.

向当地的图书馆或学校捐赠图书。Donate books to your local library or school.