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它就会自己脱落。It will peel off.

把水果洗净后削皮。First, peel the fruit.

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踩到香蕉皮滑倒。Slip on a banana peel.

来吧,我会脱光的。Come and I'll peel off.

不要剥掉苹果的皮!Don’t peel your apples!

要像这样削苹果皮。Peel the apple this way.

果实扁球形,果皮青黑色。Fruit oblate, peel young.

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把胡萝卜削皮并切成丁。Peel and dice the carrots.

他的工作是削土豆皮。His job is to peel potatoes.

给孩子削个苹果吃。Peel an apple for the child.

请给我削个苹果。Please peel an apple for me.

这西瓜皮也不好吃呀!This peel is no good at all!

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我可以用脚把他们剥掉。I can peel them with my feet.

剥开皮,把皮随手扔掉。Peel it. Throw the peel away.

把皮从洋葱上剥下来。Peel the skin from the onions.

这些水煮蛋很容易剥壳。These boiled eggs peel easily.

首先活肤驻颜剥离。Start with Capture Totale Peel.

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将青瓜及红萝卜去皮,切丝。Peel cucumber and carrot, shred.

土豆首先削皮,切块。First, peel and cube the potatoes.

把煮好的鸡蛋去皮,然后放入碗中。Peel the eggs and place in a bowl.