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衬衫做好后,我开始创建手枪皮套。After the shirt is modeled, I create the gun holster.

这也是为什么我们喜欢的抓斗,这包小工具皮套。And that's why we love the Grab-It Pack Gadget Holster.

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军官打开枪套盖拔出了手枪。The officer undid the flap of his holster and drew his gun.

在高于他踝关节的位置上,绑着一只插在黑色皮套里的手枪。Strapped above his ankle was a pistol in a black padded holster.

出租服装的女人递给马先生一只皮带。A woman renting out the costumes handed Mr. Ma a leather holster.

警察们收起了他们的武器,明白Sara吸毒过量了。The officers holster their weapons, knowing that Sara has overdosed.

一罐防熊胡椒粉喷雾剂挂在屁股上的皮套内。A can of grizzly-strength pepper spray rests in a holster on his hip.

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很高兴你们喜爱鬼怪单鼻,他会带双枪,标准的手枪,但枪套在腿上。Glad to see love for Ol Barguest, two guns, standard but holster and leg.

裤耳的位置也便于佩挂臀部手枪套。The belt loops are also located to accomodate placement of a hip holster.

他迅速地走开了,他的白漆手枪皮套轻轻地拍打着他的臀部。He walked away quickly, his white-painted holster jogging against his hip.

他将一支口径为32的自动手枪,塞进左腋下的丝质手枪皮套里随身携带着。In a silk holster under his left arm he carried a 32 caliber automatic pistol.

护林员把.32放进背包,把自己的手枪放进皮套。The ranger placed the .38 in the knapsack and set his own pistol in its holster.

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选手必须将枪枝设为下述的安全状态并收回枪套之中。The competitor shall, holster the handgun in the one of the safe conditions below.

杨伯拉德的手伸向枪套,哨兵也“咔啦”拉上枪栓。Youngblood's hand goes to his holster. The tower guards CLICK-CLACK their rifle bolts.

就如他去的,我见到在他附近的在一个架上的它皮套的一把连发左轮手枪,然后君也见到它。As he went, I saw a revolver in its holster on a shelf near him, and then Don saw it too.

但是冰凉的钢铁让我发抖,我匆忙地把手枪放回枪套里。But the feel of the cold steel made me shudder, and I hastily replaced the weapon in my holster.

戈麦斯从枪套里拔出他那沉重的九毫米口径的星牌手枪…Gomes took his heavy 9 mm Star pistol out of its holster and shoved it against the officer's shoulder.

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最初,柯尔特生产三种“转轮”手枪——belt,holster和pocket手枪——以及两种步枪。Initially, Colt produced three "revolving" handguns--belt, holster and pocket pistols--and two rifles.

包括Zumba穿皮带皮套Wii遥控器和舞蹈免提为你的臀部比赛节奏。Wear the included Zumba belt to holster your Wii Remote and dance hands free as your hips match the rhythm.

我只好拉开迷彩夹克,拔出枪套里的点45自动手枪朝行进中的敌军射击。I then grabbed my .45 automatic from its holster inside my field jacket and aimed it at the advancing enemy.