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她的主要敌人和最终目标是邪恶之首魅源。Her archenemy and final target is Onigen, the leader of the demons.

化妆品中的刺激性物质是美容的大敌。The excitant material in cosmetic is the archenemy of hairdressing.

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交通堵塞业已成为了城市交通系统面临的一个主要问题。Choked traffic has been an archenemy to urban transportation system.

五十年来,台湾的头号敌人一直是中国大陆。Ex. For the past half-century, Taiwan's archenemy has been Mainland China.

群众的恐慌是一国经济的最大的敌人.The panic from the public is literally the archenemy for a nation’s economy.

其次是适当的“温度”,寒冷与酷热是睡眠的大敌。Followed by the appropriate "temperature" cold and hot sleep is the archenemy.

厨房的油烟是妈妈们的大敌,对此大家深恶痛绝。The lampblack of the kitchen is the archenemy of mom, to this everybody detest.

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现场几位负责的工作人员更是忙得满头大汗,如临大敌。The staff member that the spot is in charge of a few times is more busy sweating, if face archenemy.

另外,隐藏在防水涂料等装修材料中的苯系物也是人类的一个致命大敌。Also, hidden in waterproof paint decoration materials such as benzene are also object of a deadly human archenemy.

长期贮藏、肉类烘烤或炖煮、食品加工、酒精甚至雌激素都是维生素B6的大敌。Store up for a long time, the flesh kind roast or stew boil, food treatment, alcohol even the archenemy that estrogen is vitamin B6.

上世纪90年代,走下神坛的超人除了与一头糟糕的胭脂鱼发型抗战之外,还向大财团们宣战——他的死对头克莱斯•卢瑟甚至被重新定义为一个阴险狡猾的百万富翁。The 1990s pitted Superman against not only a bad mullet but also big corporations — his archenemy Lex Luthor was even redefined as a cunning millionaire businessman.

此外,药物是肌肤的大敌,尤其是安眠药会使体内产生过多酸性,激素失衡,脸上生出雀斑。In addition, medicaments is the archenemy of skin, especially sleeping pill can make overmuch acidity arises inside body, hormone unbalance, a fleck is born on the face.

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反辐射导弹是现代战场上雷达的主要克星,而有源诱偏系统对抗反辐射导弹攻击是一种相对方便和有效的方法。The anti-radiation missile is the archenemy of radar in the current battlefield, while using active decoy against ARM is a comparatively convenient and effective method.

他说,德黑兰希望把影响力扩大到中东之外。伊朗正在跟过去的主要敌人塔利班合作,对抗在阿富汗的联军力量。He says Tehran hopes to extend its influence beyond the Middle East, and that it is working with the Taliban, once its archenemy , against coalition forces in Afghanistan.

熬夜是皮肤保健的大敌,睡眠不足,会使皮肤细胞的各种调节活动失常,影响表皮细胞的活力。Stays up late is the skin health care archenemy , the sleep is insufficient, will cause skin cell's each kind of adjustment to be abnormal, affects epidermal cell's vigor.

反辐射导弹是现代战场上雷达的主要克星,因此熟悉其特性,研究专门的战法具有重要的现实意义。The anti-radiation missile is the archenemy of radar in the current battlefield. Consequently, knowing its features well and finding a special countermeasure are in urgent need.

如今中国的政治、经济、军事力量正在迅速成长,这是有目共睹的,但是,为什么西方人认为中国总有一天会成为西方的头号敌人?I mean I understand the fact that China is growing in political, economic and military powers, however, why do people of the West think that someday China become this archenemy of the West?

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熬夜绝对是皮肤的大敌,它能够让你的肌肤以不可想像的速度加快老化,因此连续熬夜的时间不可超过两天。Stays up late is skin's archenemy absolutely, it can let the speed which your flesh cannot imagine speed up the aging, therefore stays up late continuously the time cannot surpass for two days.