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就是人必有一死。All men are mortal.

是可恕之罪,或是死罪?Venial sin or mortal sin?

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但是凡人的梦能看见什麽?。But a mortal dream to see?

他也是个会变老的凡人。He's also a mortal who ages.

他们是我们不共戴天的仇敌。They are our mortal enemies.

珀琉斯选择的是凡人。The chosen mortal was Peleus.

我想有一个凡人到来了!Methinks a mortal doth approach!

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休伦人,他就是你们不共戴天的仇人。Hurons, this is your mortal enemy.

劳动力所有者是会死的。The owner of labour-power is mortal.

凡人总难舍,爱过恨过也就罢了。Mortal always hard, love hate it when.

必死的人岂能比神公义吗。Shall mortal man be more just than God?

他和他那一伙可怕的徒众。To mortal men, he with his horrid crew.

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苏格拉底也是人,所以他也会死。Socrates is a man, so Socrates is mortal.

实际上皮克提出,人之所以称之为人He is, in fact says Pico, more than mortal.

他们把屋里所有的东西都通通偷光了。They stole every mortal thing in the house.

这确是一个没有时间观念的活死人。Here is a veritable mortal who is not exact.

赫里是世界上最漂亮的人。Hurry is the handsomest mortal in the world.

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他自己的恶魔之血,以及一个人类女祭司。His own devil's blood and a mortal priestess.

如果你问他,你会死吗“If you would have asked him "Are you mortal?"

我们都有弱点,因为我们是血肉之躯。We all have weaknesses, because we are mortal.