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注意小开支。Beware small expenses.

他挣得的钱刚够开支。He just cleared the expenses.

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接下来,处理那些支出。Next, deal with the expenses.

我们应该节省开支。We should limit the expenses.

你节省差旅费。You skimp on travel expenses.

我要把这些费用记在账上。I'll charge these expenses up.

一切费用都已经开销了。All expenses have been paid up.

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我要付还那些费用。I shall reimburse the expenses.

旅游费用不会报销。Travel expenses not reimbursed.

这个月你必须缩减开支。You must cut expenses this month.

玛丽正试图减少开支。Maey is trying to reduce expenses.

我们的生活费用已上涨。Our living expenses have enhanced.

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避免含糊的和笼统的支出。Avoid ambiguous or general expenses.

后事费用及税收所需的现金。Cash for last expenses and or taxes.

每人应自付费用。Everyone is to pay his own expenses.

我们将开出汇票向你方索取费用。We will draw on you for the expenses.

这些商品的费用是多少?What are the expenses of these goods?

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每月日常支出详细信息Details for monthly household expenses

对所有花销有一个准确的列表。Have an accurate list of all expenses.

他家人口多,用度大。He has a big family and many expenses.