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一位老人在野餐时被野蜂叮了后就去世了。A pensioner has died after he was stung by a bee during a picnic.

这个“墓地幽灵”的落网归功于一个很有活力的退休老人。The cemetery phantom had been caught thanks to a lively elderly pensioner.

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位于乌克兰扎波罗热的这栋房子是由一位退休的老人用空瓶子建成的。A house is made of empty bottles, built by a Ukrainian pensioner in Zaporozhye.

满头卷曲白发、不时气喘咳嗽的退休金领取人阿普塔姆·安马尔是一名主张废除死刑的支持者。ARPUTHAM AMMAL, a pensioner with curly silver hair and a wheezing cough, is an abolitionist.

他的皮肤是薄的,头长的很慢,和老人一样,他的身体也经常问题。His skin is thinning, his hair grows slowly and he suffers from the physical problems of a pensioner.

她以"世界上文身最多的老妇"被载入吉尼斯世界纪录。The British pensioner is in the Guinness Book of Records as the "world's most senior tattooed woman".

离退休人员对国有公司一般都格外警觉,因为他们认为这些公司高深莫测。The pensioner is particularly wary of state-run companies, because she believes they are unpredictable.

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已退休的约翰娜•甘塔勒和她的丈夫库尔特当日转搭别的航班返回欧洲。Johanna Ganthaler, a pensioner from northern Italy, and her husband Kurt took a flight to Europe later that day.

已经结婚50年的罗马尼亚退休老人提出了离婚,只因为她厌倦了丈夫把退休金都用在了流浪狗身上。A Romanian pensioner has filed for divorce after 50 years because she is fed up with her husband spending their entire pension on stray dogs.

英国一位退休老人种出世界上最重的洋葱,创造了一项新世界纪录,这足以让所有的园丁都掉眼泪。It was enough to bring a tear to every gardener's eye yesterday as pensioner Peter Glazebrook set a new record for the world's heaviest onion.

这位老妇人在德国美因兹下车后,立刻意识到自己犯了个大错误,居然把珠宝留在列车上,但她只能眼睁睁地看着列车向科隆驶去。The pensioner realised her mistake when she got off the train at Mainz, but could only watch as the service rolled out of the station towards Cologne.

一位依靠养老金生活的68岁老人王荣芳在北京新源里市场购物时抱怨道,“肉价,鱼价和菜价一直在上涨”。"Prices of meat, fish and vegetables have gone way up, " complained Wang Rongfang, a 68-year-old pensioner shopping at the Xinyuanli market in Beijing.

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当时,她把他们比作一组“小朋友”,随后,他们说,她“根本不聪明”,看上去就像个中学生,或者像个逛街的退休人员。It said she was "by no means intelligent" and looked like a schoolgirl or a pensioner going shopping, after she compared it to a group of "small children".

在一起极端案例中,一位69岁的退休老人在某个周日用刀捅伤了一个18岁的年轻人,因为他不肯把脚从火车座位上放下来。In one extreme case, a 69-year-old pensioner wounded an 18-year-old man with a knife on Sunday after the teen would not take his feet off of a seat on a train.

但近15年后的’幽灵’是在城市大厅抓获熊熊的照片,其中的奥秘终于可以得到解决的一个目光锐利的长俸和88岁的明信片。But almost 15 years after the 'apparition' was captured in a photograph of a blazing town hall, the mystery could finally have been solved by an eagle-eyed pensioner and an 88-year-old postcard.