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难道连他儿子也入教了?Was his son involved too?

情节变得更曲折离奇。The plot gets more involved.

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这要涉及几方面的权衡。Several tradeoffs are involved.

这是我参加的一个项目。This is a project I was involved.

今天,我被扯进了一场交通事故。Today, I was involved in a wreck.

人人都是大陆之土。Because eI am involved in mankind.

案发现场附近区域现在被警戒线封锁了起来,涉案车辆已经被移走。The car involved had been removed.

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新的研究有46000名男子参加。The new study involved 46,000 men.

甚至新闻媒体也不甘寂寞。The news media even gets involved.

其理自明。The principle involved is obvious.

可以参与俱乐部或类似的活动。get involved with clubs and whatnot.

银行只是周边的参与者。Banks are only peripherally involved.

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Rabkin没有参与该项研究。Rabkin was not involved in the study.

这里所涉及的数字,不能等闲视之。The numbers involved are not trivial.

它不涉及任何威胁或者武力。There is no threat or force involved.

你把我扯进了你的错误里。You get involved me in your mistakes.

我真希望你没扯进这件事。I really wish you hadn't got involved.

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海顿的实验涉及两项工作。Hedden's experiment involved two tasks.

LH则涉及对排卵的控制。LH is involved in triggering ovulation.

这一案件牵涉了许多无辜的人。The case involved many innocent people.