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这块布上有红白相间的方格子。The cloth has a patten of red white square.

彭定康是管理香港的最后一任总督。Chris Patten is the last governor to administer HongKong.

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那是2009年夏天的事情,我们当时在缅因州的帕坦池塘玩耍。We are at the lovely Patten Pond in Maine in the summer of 2009.

撒切尔夫人担任反对党领袖那会儿,彭爵士正好主政研究部。Lord Patten was director while Mrs Thatcher was Leader of the Opposition.

为满足纳米级电子束曝光系统的要求,设计了高速图形发生器。The high speed Patten Generator is designed for nanometer E-beam lithography system.

但这一次,他被激怒了,以他极其厌恶的对峙方式和彭定康进行了公开的对决。But he was provoked into open war with Mr Patten by his very hatred of confrontation.

蚊香的支架,又是调节、和控制燃烧时间的参照物,并可保持香灰的原始形态。Mosquito Coil stand, reference for adjust and control the burning time, also keep the coil ash original Patten.

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而小管的内层细胞和小梁中央细胞呈角蛋白阳性。But the positive reaction of keratin was found in inner cells of tubular and central cells of trabecular patten.

它依靠一种新型的信贷运作模式实现了部分地区扶贫项目的规范化、长期化运作。The micro finance makes some poverty reduction projects standardized and sustaining through a new credit patten.

牛津校监、前港督彭定康表示,这对牛津来说,是“一个世纪一次的机遇”。Chancellor of Oxford, the former Governor Chris Patten said this on Oxford, it has "an opportunity for a century."

特为长途跋涉的重型拖板车使用,尤能抗拒肋条撕裂,优越的公路与非公路子午线胎纹。Specially designed for heavy load haulage to tackle rib tearing problem. On and off road patten for radial casing.

彭爵士还说,他希望美国当选总统奥巴马能够担负起全球领袖的角色,而这曾经是缺乏的。Lord Patten said he hoped US President-elect Barack Obama would provide the global leadership that had been lacking.

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彭定康校长与刘大使依依惜别,师生们亦挥手目送刘大使远去。Lord Patten of Barnes said goodbye to Ambassador Liu, and the teachers and students also waved and watched as he left.

佩顿还称如果竞选成功,头等大事是成立委员会,调查宗教机构中儿童遭受性侵的问题。If elected, Patten said her first mission would be to call for a royal commission into child sex abuse in religious institutions.

彭定康,英国广播公司信托会主席,牛津大学校监,香港最后一位总督。Lord Patten is chairman of the BBC Trust and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. He served as the last Governor of Hong Kong.

专利联盟的反垄断审查主要包括卡特尔管制和滥用市场支配地位行为禁止。Patten alliance-based anti-monopoly review mainly consists of Cartel Regulation and the forbiddance of abusing market ascendancy.

现阶段我们应探寻一种与传统家庭类型和谐共存的丁克家庭模式。We should inquire a kind of DINK family which could coexist with the patten of traditional family harmoniously at the present stage.

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负责欧盟对外关系司的科里斯-帕特恩委员在斯特拉斯堡欧洲议会上宣布了此次改革的详细计划。Details of the plan were announced at the European Parliament in Strasbourg by the Commissioner for External Relations, Chris Patten.

而当初那个包括迈克尔。赫赛尔廷和克里斯。巴顿的内阁里如今只剩下司法大臣肯。克拉克。Only Ken Clarke, the justice secretary, is left from a group that included cabinet ministers such as Michael Heseltine and Chris Patten.

佩顿称接下来几周推出的选举政策“很有可能让让反对党领袖艾伯特头发竖起来,让总理吉拉德的红头发变成灰色。”A full policy rollout in coming weeks "will probably put Tony Abbott's hair on end and may even turn Ms Gillard's hair grey, " according to Patten.