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亚洲人的节俭纵容了欧美人的挥霍。The Asians’ parsimony made the Anglo-Saxons’ profligacy possible.

有个经典例子出自以吝啬著称的喜剧演员杰克·班尼。A classic example comes from comedian Jack Benny , famous for his parsimony.

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该机仍采用传统的直板造型设计,整体的设计风格显得简约利落。It is still using the traditional design, overall design parsimony appears to be agile.

一些偶尔来德国的人会认为,吝啬是德国人的典型特征,这种想法也许可以谅解。Occasional visitors could be forgiven for thinking parsimony is a typically German trait.

不出意外,此次新节俭潮流的受益者就是那些提供廉价商品的公司。The beneficiaries of the new parsimony are, unsurprisingly , firms that offer low prices.

很长时间以来,卑微但是勤勉的蚂蚁一直都被看过是勤劳节俭等经济美德的比喻。THE humble but industrious ant has long served as a metaphor for the economic virtues of simplicity, parsimony and diligence.

柯扎尝试在其他的运行中添加点简约性元素,却发现在运行开始加入的简约性元素降低了解决方案的效率。Koza tried applying parsimony in other runs but found that parsimony added to the beginning of a run dampened the efficiency of the solutions.

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通过对17个单倍型的简约网络分析表明,遗传趋异是不同种群长期隔离的结果。The parsimony network analysis of the 17 haplotypes suggested that the genetic divergence is the result of long-term isolation of individual populations.

对投资已经存在的过度吝啬将环保和其他时髦但解决成本昂贵的热点问题区别开来,比如“能源独立”、“公平贸易”和有机农场。Increased parsimony will drive a wedge between greenery and other fashionable but expensive causes, such as “energy independence”, “fair trade” and organic farming.

我希望读者不要不把这个算做我的优点,因为我私下相信了她的话,暗暗地悲叹造物者在造我的时候怎会那样吝啬。I hope the reader will not fail to count it to my credit that I implicitly believed her, and inwardly deplored the parsimony of the Creator in the matter of my making.

第三部分,从静态的角度考察新现实主义理论的“可证伪性”、“简约性”和“逻辑一致性”,上述三大特点是科学理论必须具备的逻辑标准。The third part, in static perspective, displays falsifiablilty, parsimony and logical coherence of neorealism that is the logical standard with which scientific theories must accord.

提出了节约原则模型的一个多项式时间的贪心算法以及一种把贪心策略和分支限界策略集合在统一框架下的复合算法。For the parsimony this paper presents model a polynomial time greedy algorithm and a compound algorithm that combines the greedy policy with the branch-and-bound strategy in a uniform framework.

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人家虽然没有明说,自己总觉得这种掂斤播两的交易未免太吝啬,当时脸都躁红了。Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied.