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你有嗜睡症吗?Do You Have Narcolepsy?

你嗜睡吗?Could You Have Narcolepsy?

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研究者继续寻找嗜睡症的根本病因。Researchers continue to seek out the root cause of narcolepsy.

目的探讨发作性睡病的证候学特点及证类分布特征。Objective To analyze the characteristics of TCM syndromes of narcolepsy.

此药已经获准用于治疗因倒班产生的嗜睡和瞌睡症状。The medicine is already approved to fight narcolepsy and sleepiness related to shift work.

莫达非尼是一种新型精神兴奋剂,治疗发作性睡眠症及自发性睡眠过度。Modafinil is a novel central stimulant for the treatment of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia.

嗜眠发作和腿多动综合症可通过改变生活方式及处方药来进行治疗。Narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome can be treated with lifestyle changes and prescription medication.

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“这挺麻烦的,”霍尼希说,“嗜睡症会影响人的行为举止、工作和所有的人际关系。"It's hard," says Dr.Honig."Narcolepsy affects how you behave, how you work, and all your relationships.

“这挺麻烦的,”霍尼希说,“嗜睡症会影响人的行为举止、工作和所有的人际关系。"It's hard," says Dr. Honig. "Narcolepsy affects how you behave, how you work, and all your relationships.

现在GHB已经受到严格管制,只作为处方药用于治疗嗜睡症等疾病。It is now tightly controlled and available only by prescription for treatment of disorders such as narcolepsy.

如果你怀疑你得了嗜睡症,要确实和你的医生说出你所有的症状。If you suspect you have narcolepsy , be sure to speak with your doctor about all symptoms you are experiencing.

但是最可恶的是当他人看到一些嗜睡症患者打瞌睡时就简单地认为他们太懒了。But the worst thing is when people see someone with narcolepsy fall asleep.They simply assume that they're lazy.

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但是最可恶的是当他人看到一些嗜睡症患者打瞌睡时就简单地认为他们太懒了。But the worst thing is when people see someone with narcolepsy fall asleep. They simply assume that they're lazy.

嗜睡症常给患者和家人的工作、学习带来诸多不便,让人为之苦恼不已。Narcolepsy patients and their families often to work, study and inconvenience, people to whom asking this question.

原来他有一种叫“嗜睡症”的问题,而那个朋友有慢性精神方面疾病,所以我加入了进去,自然而然聊了不少。It turns out he has narcolepsy , his friend has Tourette's, and of course I'm a gimp, so a grand time was had by all.

它首次于1950年代被用来治疗嗜睡症,那是一种使人突然陷入沈睡状态的疾病。It was first used in the 1950s to treat narcolepsy , an illness where people suddenly fall asleep at irregular times.

目前还需要进一步的研究去发现MX2与发作性睡病在病理生理机制方面的功能联系。Further studies are required to explore the functional relationship between the MX2 gene and narcolepsy pathophysiology.

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虽然患了嗜睡症的人没法改变多少他人的看法,但是他们能极大地改善自己的症状。做法如下Although those with narcolepsy can't do a lot to change how others may view them, they can do a lot to manage their disorder. Here's how.

“一些嗜睡者能通过单独小睡片刻完全改善自己的状况,”神经科学家霍尼希说。"Sometimes narcolepsy can be managed entirely by naps alone, " says neurologist Eveline Honig, M. D. , Director of the Narcolepsy Network.

嗜睡者会在生活的很多方面有严重的影响。以下的内容只是嗜睡症给你来的影响种的一小部分。Narcolepsy can have serious repercussions on many aspects of life. The following are just a few of the effects narcolepsy can have on your life.