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凡此种种,不一而足。Similar cases are numerous.

例子太多,举不胜举。Examples are too numerous to list.

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数目众多的控制房中的一个。One of the numerous control rooms.

由无数小圆环穿编而成。Weared by the numerous small ring.

夜光云为什么越来越多?Why are they getting more numerous?

这里有很多方面的原因。There are numerous reasons for this.

下星期我有许多约会。I have numerous engagements next week.

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漫游在河床,无数的后裔Ranged in the beds ,a numerous progeny

无数英雄人物被载入了史册。The numerous heroes were historicized.

赢得了多少情侣的山盟海誓。And obtained numerous pledge of lovers.

他给杂志写过许多篇署名的报道。He has bylined numerous magazine pieces.

它的好处多到你不能忽视。Its benefits are too numerous to ignore.

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有许许多多可选择的项目。There are numerous items to choose from.

树下有数不清的花瓣。There are numerous petals under the tree.

部队调动频繁。There have been numerous troop movements.

这些技巧很多,而且很实用。These techniques are numerous and proven.

众仙女们飞奔上岸。Numerous fairy people gallop to disembark.

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我们全篇发现了许多错误。We've found numerous errors down the line.

那个时候河里面有数不清的鱼。At that time there are numerous river fish.

无数的手,无数的风阵。Numerous hands, and numerous gusts of wind.