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你有个绉巴巴的胸吗?Crape Paper Chest, Anyone?

马吕斯在帽子上缠了一条黑纱,仅如此而已。Marius wore crape on his hat. That was all.

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紫薇在逃亡中,头部受创而失明。Crape myrtle in exile, head injury and blindness.

她呢,和昨天一样,花缎裙袍,绉纱帽。As on the preceding day, she wore her damask gown and her crape bonnet.

我看见一棵紫薇树,应该是佐治亚州最老的树了。I saw a crape myrtle that’s supposed to be the oldest tree in the state.

湖绉是浙江出产的一种有皱纹的丝织品,质地轻盈。Huzhou Crape is a kind of rugged silk produced in Zhejiang with a light texture.

尔康在与杀手搏斗时受重伤,紫薇因尔康受伤眼睛奇迹般复明。Kang in battle and killer was hurt, the crape myrtle Erkang injured eye miracle fuming.

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乾隆冷静思量之后原谅了小燕子并认了紫薇。Qianlong calm thinking after forgive the little swallow and recognize the crape myrtle.

芙蓉榭以北,一片草坪,绿草如茵,四周紫薇成林。A grassy lawn, embraced by crape myrtle woods, sprawls to the north of the Lotus Pavilion.

她穿一件黑花缎裙袍,一件同样料子的短披风,戴一顶白绉纱帽子。She wore a dress of black damask, a cape of the same material,and a bonnet of white crape.

第二天,马德兰先生穿了一身全黑的衣服,帽子上戴了黑纱。On the following day, M. Madeleine appeared clad wholly in black, and with crape on his hat.

听了她们的话,我对这树姿优美的紫薇树产生了好感。After listening to their words, I am Shuzi beautiful Crape Myrtle trees had a good impression.

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错过的年华在北漠开出斑斓的紫薇花,却荒芜了轮回的春夏。Miss time in North Desert open multicolored crape myrtle flowers, the rebirth of spring and summer.

班杰明、尔康常为紫薇和小燕子当信差,和柳青柳红成为朋友。Benjamin, Erkang often crape myrtle and swallow when the messenger, and red Liu Qingliu become friends.

今天我和妈妈一同去了良凤江公园,我在那里看到了婀娜多姿的紫薇树。Today, Mom and I went together to a good Feng Jiang Park, where I saw the Graceful's Crape Myrtle trees.

她的头顶带着一定黑色的斗笠,垂下的黑纱将她的脸全数盖住。Her top of brain takes the rain hat in decisive dark, pendency of the crape cover up her face absolute sum.

仙人掌类、玉莲花、南天竹、紫薇、剑麻等旱生花卉要少浇水。Cactus kind, the drought unripe flowers such as jade lotus, nandina , crape myrtle, sisal wants little water.

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为摸清紫薇的身份,太后特派晴儿与乾隆一行人微服出巡。In order to find out the crape myrtle 's identity, the queen appointed sunny and Qianlong pedestrians to patrol.

“但愿没有人去世了,”我瞥了一下他黑色的丧服说。他也低头瞧了一下围在帽上的黑纱,并回答道。I hope no one is dead, I said, glancing at his black dress. He too looked down at the crape round his hat and replied.

我们都知道有一些人很瘦,胸部看起来像绉纸一样,同时很多次你也会看到许多的太阳黑子。We all know someone with a thin, crape paper look to their chest and many times you’ll see an array of sun spots, too.